What are the implications for a planned "long-term insurgency" in Ukraine?

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Seems to be working very well in Ukraine…


You want to arm NAZI’s? I don’t think that’s a good idea.

The US sent arms to Syrian rebels through allies in the Middle East. Much of the aid ended up with ISIS.

The US then trained and armed Syrians who were supposed to counter ISIS, but almost none of them actually ended up fighting ISIS. This program had bipartisan support, but was at best a waste of money.

Yes, and more importantly I expect Washington has a plan for a replacement.

That’s not what you said. You said ISIL was created by funding from Obama.

Obama certainly aided the development of ISIS.

The Guardian link for post 7 says the CIA and MI6 used sent weapons through other countries to extremist Islamic groups in Syria. The groups later formed or were allied with ISIS. The Newsweek article is saying the same thing but leaves out the details about which part of the US government was involved.

Britain charged a Swedish man with illegally aiding the same groups, but the trial collapsed after revelations that the US and UK governments were doing the same thing.

it did turn into what it turned into because of obama’s naivite and very bad policy decisions. before that, they were the “jv”.