What a shock, Democrats side with terrorists!

Let’s not forget a small reality here.

Israel was attacked…not the other way around. Based on population numbers that attack in October 7 what was done to Israel was worse than what happened in America on 9-11-01…

The Israelis have a right to respond…Hamas is a collection of butchers and cowards who hide among the civilian population in order to get stupid people…aka liberal democrats to sympathize with them…especially when they lie about casualties.

Hamas needs to be destroyed…Hamas murdered Americans and took American hostages…America needs to get out if Israel’s way and stop with the political horse ■■■■■

The Democrats who disgust me in general will get worse about all if this because they are afraid they’ll lose votes in states like Michigan…democrats suck.

If Hamas survives this the there will be more October 7th’s in Israel’s future.


So no.

You have never been to the area.

Just continue spouting the hamas/hezbolla propaganda.

And as yet another side note. Perhaps civilians wouldn’t be dying so much if hezbolla and hamas would quit using them as shields ( in violation of the geneva convention I might add.)


Uh, huh…by not destroying Hamas…they’ll be back to take Israel down a very dark path…like they just did.

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This country is doing both paying for the war and questioning the tactics.

I wonder if one justifies the other


Might as well be listening to the Squad. :roll_eyes:

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Oh by the way Jezcoe…if that lying trash you voted for Biden hadn’t let Iran restock its bank accounts maybe none of this happens since Hamas doesn’t shoot a BB gun without Iran.

I know this wont happen because … lib…

But you folks really have nothing to say about this issue.


He/they would sell us into slavery under China, etc, and side with the devil himself (if there were such a being) if it would win him the election.

Leftists say they didn’t cheat for Brandon to win 2020, yet they allow an insurgency totaling millions of illegal aliens to pour into the US. Why, if they won fairly?

Trump ---- 74 millions
Biden ---- 81 million

Looks like they need about 15 million illegal aliens to make sure they come up with enough votes for Brandon in Nov. '24 election, in case they are prevented from cheating.


And our response to that attack was famously the right thing to do.

They do


What is the real number?

We fund them. We kind of have a say in this.

Like isn’t it odd that the US is building a pier to bring aid into the people that the US is paying Israel to bomb?


Not to mention leaving billions of dollars worth of high tech American weapons in Afganistan as a gift to the terrorists.

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How many were killed when we invaded Iraq? Did you protest then about the “Global war on terorism?”

How is that the civilian’s fault?

Hamas took over Gaza in 2006 and have basically murdered any opposition.

How is someone who was born in Gaza in say the 2010’s responsible for Hamas?

Killing tens of thousands of civilians helps Hamas.

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Idiocy of the biden administration.

You know the one you unquestionably support.

Yeah that one

Yeah. That one is pretty lame. Hamas planned this for a while before that.

If one wants to put the blame on Biden, then one should also blame Netanyahu for boosting Hamas over the PA.

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Many nations joined with us after 9/11. How many dictated how we should fight?

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Is there a pathway to leave? Are any of the Arab countries taking them in or are they complicit? Murdering Hamas has got to go and those that support them, have a choice…leave or stay.

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The US invading Iraq is one of the greatest unforced foreign policy disasters in US history.


That pier is a terrible idea…just handing the butcher’s potential hostages.

To be honest the folks in Israel have shown a massive amount of restraint based on what was done to them.

War sucks…that’s why it’s important our country be something other than a weak feckless reflection if the weak feckless old Alzheimer’s patient in the White House who’s policies helped to enable this attack on the first place.

I fully support the Israeli’s ability to defend themselves and fully encourage liberal democrat Joe Biden voters to shut the hell up about it.

Sorry … that’s my opinion.


Right. But killing tens of thousands of civilians helps Hamas and hurts Israel.

Look at how the world is shifting against Israel.

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Right or Wrong in hindsight has nothing to do with my question. Did you protest that war like you are protesting our helping Israel?