WH Launches Website to Report Social Media Censorship

Its there in the portion I copied. It was a .com site…apparently as is the site for reporting about media bias.
Here’s a similar attempt using the WH .gov address.

“…the premiere of the website might not have gone according to plan. The site is a throwback to Obama’s 2008 campaign website, “Fight the Smears,” which had similar motivations to combat negative statements against his campaign. It also mirrors the hotly contested email account, flagh@whitehouse.gov, in which citizens were encouraged to inform Obama of negative things said about his healthcare policies in 2009.”

So Trump is just like Obama.

Maybe it’s time to see Donald’s birth certificate?

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Well that’s just wrong as was posted earlier


So again we have a Campaign spending campaign money using .com website they bought from some host vs…

President of US using .gov site

There is no difference? None whatever?

I was basing my statement on a post by Jezcoe, (post 21 I believe) which was apparently in error.

However, how is this so different than the WH .gov site that Obama used for people to report lies about his healthcare program?

This is the best con man our presidency has ever seen.

I have to admit… this is a good way to get a mailing list of people who feel politically persecuted. They can target adds directly at them.

Genius actually


I can’t wait to report the Mods of this website I hope they have fun time in work camps of Alaska.

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My bots are working overtime to make sure they have plenty of people to target… :rofl:

A small 2008 political campaign website is so much the same as a white house sanctioned executive push.

Obama’s WH website did the same thing on several issues. Good on Trump for giving you the option to opt out of future e-mails.

Really? Obama has already left the WH, or didn’t you know?

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There will be no results. You’ll see nothing. It’s a fairly shameless email harvesting attempt. Conned again.

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I’m sure he directed that opt out himself. Hell he probably provided some jquery and php pointers.

Meanwhile, the White House declined to sign onto a non binding international resolution that basically says that maybe allowing extremism online is something bad.


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One difference is the Obama administration used technology from American companies… This email harvesting is on typeform, based in Barcelona… Typeform was breached last year resulting in personal data being accessed. Fortunately, being an EU country, Typeform is required to notify when a breach occurs under GDPR.

Oh no, not our government standing up for free speech? The horror.

What exactly do you think this “survey” will accomplish? (other than providing an email list for the Trump campaign)

Wow…isn’t this a great move? Free speech!

There’ll be a lot of that but there will also be actual cases that need to be spotlighted to expose this attempt to stifle one side and promote the agenda of the platform owners.

It is an abdication of responsibility.

No one cares about curtailing the speech of ISIS… but how dare we push back on some white ■■■■■■■ talking about the JQ.

Be Better.