Well that didn't play out very well for crazy lunatics on our extreme left

Allegedly … legally and Constitutionally.

…and a US citizen who was tried, convicted and executed solely by the executive branch under some non existent constitutional authority.

What is being argued is the Whoopsie Doodle doctrine in that amount of outrage caused by a military action that ends in the death of a US citizen is directly proportional to the political alignment of a President on a left right scale.

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No, what’s being argued is this ridiculous claim that the president has the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner…cause bad guys.

Nothing more.


Would you prefer that Obama sent US troops over to Yemen to bring him back? Or should he have just let it go, even though there was evidence that he was actively involved in plotting terrorism aginst the US with his Al Qaeda buddies? " depart for his family’s ancestral home in Shabwah province, also the hideout for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Within months he would be part of the group and, soon after that, deeply involved in plotting attacks on America."

I would prefer Obama or any president stay within the confines of the authority granted to them, rather than acting as an unrestrained king.

But hey, I’m just patriotic that way.

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So then, just let this guy go ahead and kill us.

Do you really think he is the same as other American citizens?

So, you would rather have an unrestrained king than a president.

I hope that works out for you.

Just remember to by a loyal subject, you don’t want to get on your monarchs naughty list.

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It’s pretty funny watching you give this evildoer the benefit of the doubt. In closing, Obama did the right thing.



It’s even funnier watching you advocate for presidential coronation.

I always knew leftists were extremely radical when it came to their authoritarian beliefs, but the extreme ideals presented by liberal zealots in this case are beyond ridiculous.

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We should count ourselves lucky that the vertical corpse now residing in the white house lacks the cognitive abilities to employ the authority his devout followers wish to bestow upon him.

He wouldn’t have had to “bring him back.”. All he had to do was try him for his alleged crimes. Once tried and convicted (presumably,) sentence could be passed and carried out accordingly.

No … Unless he is a Citizen too. Then he’s just like any other criminal Citizen.

Yeah … Except for that pesky unconstitutional part.

Where would that trial be held?

Probably in Washington D.C., but I assume most any Federal Court could suffice.

Google “trial in absentia.”

I think we’re in the wrong thread.

I saw “lunatics” and…

But, speaking of said article…

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