Originally published at: WE WANT TRUMP: Poll Shows GOP Voters Want Trump’s RE-ELECTION More than Reagan | Sean Hannity
Republican and conservative voters want the re-election of Donald Trump more than most recent presidents -including Ronald Reagan- according to a new poll released by YouGov; smashing the media’s narrative of a divided GOP heading into the 2018 midterms.
“Republican voters are demanding that President Trump run for re-election in 2020, the latest evidence that support among his backers is stronger than it was for nearly every recent president,” writes the Washington Examiner.
The survey reveals that a whopping 68% of Republican voters want President Trump to run for re-election in 2020.
The only recent president with higher numbers was George W. Bush following the 9/11 terror attacks and two ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Donald Trump is the disruptor-in-chief, and he’s unconventional, erratic, anti-elite, and frankly, that is working for him right now,” writes the pollster.
Read the full story at the Washington Examiner.