Washington Drops Redskins Nickname

Hang on back up a second. The washington _______ still have fans? :crazy_face:

I was raised by wolves, the name Red Wolves is offensive.

And that you couldn’t be bothered to capitalize the “W” is a micro-aggression.


Don’t really care what they choose to call themselves myself.

More power to Washington and their new army of Slugs.
I hope they win the Saccharine Bowl.

If the team is going to represent the city, “Leeches” is appropriate.


This is devastating because wolves are people.

Wolves are sentient beings.

Devastating analogy. Owning the libs with it.

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No one cares. Not about you.

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It wasn’t an analogy. It’s science.

Yes, “I was raised by wolves, Red Wolves offends me” is textbook science. My bad dude.


LOL! I’ll take that.


It’s almost a Ben Shapiro level of ownage.

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Yes, sociology. Behavioral science.

That wolves are sentient beings is biology.

Its the “attack helicopter” school of argument.

Been missing you.


I accept the surrender.

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Yes, but do you accept my feelings?

There are plenty of non-offensive pro sports names out there.