Walmart Health Centers (Doctors Offices) expanding

Walmart been “throwing spaghetti on the wall” to try to see what sticks ever so often. They usually fail because they leave out the meat balls and tomato sauce. But they always remember to cut the cheese cheaply.

Not too long ago they were trying to sell cars by displaying one or two cars in their parking lot on cosignment from a local dealership.

They tried that gigantic orange “order pick up” machine and locker system. By the time they had them installed at all their stores only to disassemble and remove them all.

They use creative accounting by considering when its in stock or located at their stores premises, its classified as a sold or purchased item on their ledgers even if its not actually sold.
Thats why you see all those shipping containers and trucks parked for days at the loading dock and displays of knickknacks blocking every isles and space like a third world ma and pop store. This makes the stock holders happy with such pseudo retail sales and increase stock prices

severe pain, (an 8). was hobbling around for no apparent reason.

still have not found the root cause of the severe pain.
