Remind me again…how’s crime doing in Chicago?
“ Crime in Chicago overall has increased during the past five years by nearly 20%, according to an official report by the Chicago Police Department. The year-over-year change in crime was even greater last year. Between 2021 and 2022, overall crime in Chicago increased by 41%, after overall crime had decreased each year in 2019 and 2020 and slightly increased in 2021.” Chicago crime spikes in 2022, but first drop in murder since pandemic
Who is in charge of prosecuting criminals in Chicago?
“Soros’ First Rogue Prosecutor
Foxx was a harbinger of things to come, when four years ago she became the first George Soros-backed rogue prosecutorial candidate to win.
The Washington Post said that, at that time, he had “plunked $300,000 into a [political action committee] created to elect Kim Foxx.”
Up for re-election this year, Foxx again is the beneficiary of Soros’ largesse, as he has already pumped at least $2 million into the Illinois Justice & Safety PAC to help her get re-elected.
But what’s all that money buying? And why is Soros so interested in county district attorney races? As we’ve written elsewhere, it’s because he and his prosecutorial puppets are seeking to “reimagine” and fundamentally transform our criminal justice system from an adversarial system pitting prosecutors against defense counsel, to a system where criminal defense attorneys, beholden to the movement, take over DA offices and enact non-prosecution policies.
If they succeed, it won’t be “reimagined,” nor fundamentally transformed for the better.”
Who did Chicago just elect to be the mayor…another kook fringe leftist that’s who!
“ For several reasons, the election of Brandon Johnson as mayor is the most important in Chicago for generations and the most politically salient urban election this century. First, it represents the triumph of the hard Left not on one of the coasts but in the heart of the Midwest, in a city known for its pragmatic, if machine-Democratic, politics. Second, it displays the raw power of public-sector unions in Illinois and in today’s Democratic Party. Johnson was not just supported by the unions; he is the paid agent of the most powerful and radical of them all—the Chicago Teachers Union. Third, Johnson’s victory will have national reverberations for years to come because his administration will test the Left’s attempt to transform urban policy.”. Chicago’s Hard-Left Choice | City Journal
It’s going to be hard to live in these cities when all the places that sell necessities have packed up and closed! I wonder why anyone would stay in Chicago?