Wait... Democrats aren't actually respected by the international community?

Biden and the lib left are actively doing what they always do…ruining everything they touch.

Joe Biden is an inept senile old failure and he is an embarrassment as the president of this country.


Biden wasn’t, Trump was.

that would be false.

Where does that put Trump? He couldn’t even beat an allegedly “inept senile old failure”.

Of course it it true. Trump was openly mocked by other leaders.

did their parliaments vote him in contempt? thats reserved for biden


I think that Obama said it well. He said that he was not worried about America\s future should he have lost to either McCain or Romney. He knew that they had the country’s best interest at heart. But he was worried about Trump because he realized that Trump didn’t put American ahead of his own interests.

A completely and utterly meaningless manoeuvre to try to protect Boris Johnson. A limp lettuce leaf would have more impact.

MPs on all sides accuse Boris Johnson of Afghanistan failures - BBC News

It seems while Biden is still ahead of Trump in approval that it isn’t taking any efforts on the part of the GOP to hurt Biden’s standings. It seems as of now at least the majority of it has been through self harm they just seem to be sitting back supplying the rope and the Biden admin is doing the rest.

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it has more substance than your weak ass reply


The last thing Europe wants is another migrant crisis they can’t afford it many ways. It seems fortress Europe is starting up again listening to the rhetoric coming from many European countries expecting a migrant surge after Afghanistan’s Taliban take over. A lot of the refugees that came into Europe after 2015 were Afghani’s the media painted it as if it was just Syrians they made up around 30%.


It has absolutely no impact. Biden was president of the USA before it and remains president of the USA after it. It would have an impact for Johnson if he lost a vote of no confidence; but it means nothing for Biden.

Bush the Younger

And now Jbiden


Like obama cared about anything but filling his pockets with cash. I always find it funny that there are actually people who believe presidents really care about the citizens or the country.


who gives a ■■■■ about biden? its an embarrassment for my country.


Donald Trump was president of the USA for 4 years: the embarrassment ship sailed away years before Biden won the 2020 presidential election.

i wasn’t embarrassed


Trumps twitter use was a total embarrassment. His talks about migration and trade though resonates with half of the country or more. There is a reason Biden polls in the 30 percentile on the border the majority of people here think it’s a ■■■■ show.

And to me personally while Trump had more numerous embarrassments this Afghanistan debacle is worse than any one event that Trump did to the look of the country. As an American it’s difficult to watch these jihadist who play with young boys in their free time killing and beating people up while running us off as if the U.S. military was some local loser warlord knowing full well within a few years there is a high likelihood we will be bombing them again, or worse going back in.

The whole country is already a terrorist haven and will be just like ISIS in 2014 a recruiting terrorist mega capital and we have leaders actually saying, “Well we need to see how the Taliban will behave and if they want to be respected by the global community” really? Do we really need or do we already know who the taliban is, this whole Taliban 2.0 I have heard tossed around is at best hoping for the impossible at worst setting the table for terrorist attacks across the west.