Vigilantes detaining migrants at gumpoint

Of course they are. Are criminals in general?

I couldn’t ask for anything more than another opportunity to do what I do best, although some of the people I fought with did have some freakishly hazel eyes. :thinking: I think some of them might’ve been war babies from the 80’s and 90’s. :open_mouth:

You seem not to understand the line between citizens of this country versus citizens of another county and what rights they are afforded.

Much like your line is blurred between what is our border and what is theirs.

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Non citizens are afforded rights. That illegals are criminals doesn’t mean they are not afforded rights. That’s what makes this country so great.

They have the right to remain silent. Anything they say can and will be used against them in a court of law. They have the right to an attorney…

See they do have rights.

I don’t need you “saving” me. The legality of what they are doing is the point of the entire issue.

If there’s a problem, identify it or don’t.

The only reason I didn’t flag that post is because I said I wouldn’t flag anymore.

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Eh, well. At least they put their money where their mouth is.

I suppose that would be equivalent to you taking illegals into your home and personally sponsoring them. :kissing_heart:

Sure. Criminal illegals have the same rights as a law abiding American citizen.

You have a seriously twisted version of what makes this country great.

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@wiley8425 just cited rights that illegals have. Additionally do they have a right to due process?

Do tourists have rights?

Yes, they pretty much do.

I’m sorry. I must have missed where I said they didn’t. :roll_eyes:

The base problem of separation of families and illegally detaining people (which I do not support) is the failure of Congress to help Trump secure our border. Fix that problem and the rest will go away.
Even the anchor babies problem and “dreamers” would become an insignificant problem if our government would provide the resources and will to enforce our immigration laws.

Why fall back on @wiley8425?

Are illegals tourists? Are you serious? Is that what you’ve got? :rofl:

The base problem right now is asylum appeal law.

You didn’t :grin:. I am arguing with @DMK

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I am not falling back. The constitution doesn’t restrict rights to law abiding citizens. I am sorry. It just doesn’t.

Why must this always be repeated to members of the party of law and order?

The principle is if it is not expressly illegal, it is legal.

I would be interested to know if anybody has helped them with posse comitatus. It wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Yup. Until they or one of their loved ones becomes an “Angel Mom”.

Then, and only then, will they realize much too late that they were enablers. And the hero’s of their cause: Nancy Pelosi will refuse to hear what they have to say.

Can’t say we didn’t warn them.