Vice President Kamala Harris

That was an excellent choice. Thank you Joe. :sunglasses:


A post was merged into an existing topic: General Slop from Various Threads @fd

With all due respect, you’re the only person in this thread who is bringing up race. Please try harder.


And she accepted. Let’s hear the Republican dirt on her.


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I didn’t know Harris graduated from Howard? That’s awesome.

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It’s going to be fun attacking Kamala for being too tough on crime while also attacking Biden for “abolishing the police”.


I have said from the get-go that this was going to be a turnout election. And that if the Democrats could turn out Obama like numbers, Trump will be toast. I think that this pick will bring out the Black vote in those kind of numbers.


I am surprised. Thought for sure it would be Susan Rice. Rice appeared to have a better working relationship with Biden.

There was a reason Warren did so much better than Harris in the primary.

We will see how true the rumors are of her toxic personality.

He should have picked Rice.

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Rice and Warren are both better suited for the job but they lack the “it” factor.

I’m sure Biden really cares what Trump and his supporters think about his VP pick.


I would love to debate her. Maybe she could start by explaining why California the wealthiest state in county and most liberal is ranked #1 in poverty?

If Harris had it she would have at least finished on par with Warren.

Her campaign was horrible.

Trump just tweeted out his first attack ad about the combo.

So basically a senile old racist campaigning with a grandstanding phony who got no support during the campaign…that woman made a fool of herself during the Kavanaugh hearings.

Just one more reason to never vote Democrat.


She just tweeted this out:

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Kamala may forget she is running as VP.

That is what I thought also. But the flip side is that there is a whole bunch of video of Rice talking Benghazi.

It was remarkable how poorly she did.

And now she isn’t campaigning for President. Biden was a failed presidential candidate turned vp turned presidential nominee. Not doing better in the primary might not be an issue for him concerning vp pick.

That was nothing compared to the Russia election conspiracy.

They need each other.