US wages begin to fall

So you are no better than?

Better tell Rush and Hannity then to quote with the self righteous narrative of conservatives.

Actually last election I heard from the Democratic and Libertarian candidate about the need to retrain people not try to go backwards.

Voters may not like the message but facts are facts the only difference should be how it is done and how government involved and paid for.

Ideally, you have a large government backed initiative for retraining and education. That doesn’t mean “government provided workers” like I’m seeing some goofball talking about on this thread, it means that the government backstops STEM focused and technology related trade jobs. The free market won’t help this one.

Then again, I’m not optimistic people will help themselves. Look at all the people who freaked out over government backed programs to build broadband into rural areas, and then there’s attitudes like this:

These people might not believe in reality, but reality believes in them.

Nobody said anything about government provided workers. Jesus.

Bad Trump, heated up the economy which cause inflation. If only he kept it crappy, Like Obama.

Was it Trump or the Fed manipulating rates “to ensure the economy doesn’t get too hot?”

You mean slow steady sustained growth was bad?

No argument here.

Define underemployed? Having a four year degree in say economics doesn’t mean there is a high paying job available utilizing it. I’d argue there is no such thing as underemployed, if you have an education or training that is in demand in the labor market, you will get the job, if you don’t, you won’t.

Is that why Duke University’s tuition is so high?

No, I mean more growth is better but it does come with some down sides, inflation being one of them, wages should start to climb now that we hit full employment.

Having a degree, a 6 figure student loan, and a min wage job.


At least in part. The government has been doling out money for a long time. There’s also lobbying to maintain the status quo.

It’s the same reason we’re still being made to file income tax returns despite having the technology making it unnecessary, because places like TurboTax that make money from people who can’t figure out how to file taxes on their own lobby the government to keep the tax code complicated so they can keep “helping” people with returns (for a modest fee.)

Making bad choices doesn’t mean you are underemployed, nobody forces you to rack up a six figure loan for a four year degree, which can be had for a whole lot less, or to choose a major that is not in demand in the market. You aren’t owed a high paying job just because you went to an expensive college.

You have to choose slow steady growth or bubbles which burst.

McDonalds isn’t going elsewhere they already are “elsewhere”, they do billions of dollars in sales in the U.S, they aren’t just going to leave the market because their bottom line gets cut some.

Yes they will do as they are told. If they are told the minimum wage is $15 they will pay it. Sure they could automate their order stations, but you still gotta pay someone to maintain the machines in various different ways. Still gotta pay someone to clear the nasty fingerprints and bodily fluids off of them, and so on. And lets not forget the amount of business they would lose due to the older population refusing to use the dang things.

True story. My wife went $40k into debt for a degree for a job she loves (bakery) that starts around $11/hr. My job I make over twice that without a degree. And the job is less physically demanding to boot.

Sure, they would pay it, to a lot less people. They’d automate the registers and the burger cooking and having a robot to do the cleaning isn’t far off at all.

Corps like Walmart and McDonalds and Home depot are not shoestring. They can and should pay a living wage.

Crazy how this same topic came up during the Bush Presidency, yet it wasn’t even mentioned during Obama’s Presidency.

It’s like rinse spit and repeat whenever a Republican is in office.