US wages begin to fall

Using articles from a guy forced out of his last job for failing to get with the times will bite you too.

Why is there a need to replace people with people since we are told robots are going to replace the people.

Couple o hundred grand.


Depends on their debt and other life decisions.

Since its so much better there, how about we bus the illegal immigrants from our southern boarder to your doorstep. You can take care of them.

So you are full of crap.

If everyone had health care it would not be an issue.

If you paid attention to the news people are already coming to Canada seeking asylum.

Because they haven’t been completely replaced, yet. Jeesh

They still need some employees. Just not as many as they do without automation. Of course you already knew that.

Do you know why the turnover at places like McDonald’s is high compared to places like Costco? Might have something to do with the pay for the work performed. I won’t knock fast food workers. I did it for a stint and it’s hardly easy work. There isn’t a lot to it, but it is physically demanding on occasion, especially when you are expected to close one night and open the very next day. There are plenty of worse jobs, but fast food is not a job I would do again unless there wasn’t anything else available.

Between private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and emergency rooms, yes everyone is seen who needs a physician.

Good. enjoy them. How they don’t end up being a drain on your health care system. :rofl:

Wait a second if I have to spend money training new hires just because of turnover why am I not just investing in automation?

Now if I am hiring more because of growth then i need people now and i see the benefits of more money in the economy.

Funny thing businesses that whined and took out the hikes on employees ended up suffering public backlash. One coffee chain whose franchisees chose to go after their employees really took a hit.

More money means inflation means less buying power means you min wage worker end up worse of than before the artificial wage hike.

What needs to happen is the generation of more wealth in the economy. And just so you understand, use definition 4 below.

Definition of wealth
1 obsolete : weal, welfare
2 : abundance of valuable material possessions or resources
3 : abundant supply : profusion
4 a : all property that has a money value or an exchangeable value
b : all material objects that have economic utility; especially : the stock of useful goods having economic value in existence at any one time national wealth

That makes no sense. Franchises are independently owned and not part of “the company.” Each franchise can and does set its own policy.

Emergency rooms are not health care. They don’t stop anything.

The impact they may have can be offset to 2 or 3 ways so I am not worried.

Interest rates are going up and the trade war will push prices higher so am not worried about inflation.

That money isn’t doing anything for most large companies. It is parked for the most part to shore up their balance sheets. It then sits in a bank to shore up its capital reserves. Sometimes it might go into a stock buy back where you are generating little real economic activity and you’re transferring that wealth to wealthy people who then look at it and not spend it.

Again, because they haven’t replaced every employee with automation, yet. Do you know what increased productivity means? Look at the following.

from McDonald's Mobile Ordering and New Tech Come With Increased Employee Turnover

Last year, McDonald’s said it employed 235,000 people, including corporate and restaurant workers. Each of those people generated $97,000 in revenue, compared to about $65,000 the year before.

What that should tell you is, fewer employee’s doing the same volume of work.

I’m not sure you understand what inflation is

Good. Then we will send more.

Automation is not slowing down hiring. First off older people are not using the kiosks very often

I work for a grocery company guess what even with automation at the store level they have had to hire more people than before.

In order for apps to work effectively when people pre order food or groceries people have to be there preparing them.

General collusion in the retail space by various companies. This is why wages don’t really grow since there’s clearly a fixed ceiling for those wages set by the management in competing firms. Now throw into the mix that these are desperation jobs and those people can not afford to remain out of work long to hold out for more.

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Go for it Canada is a large country. My company is always hiring.

Yeah ok. McDonald’s says they’re hiring less people but we should just take your word for it that they’re really not. Is that how things work in Canada?