US to give $5billion to Mexico

No, we’re laughing at all his supporters who thought he was serious and believed him when he said Mexico would pay for the wall. This is just more evidence of how moronic that belief is.


You’ve got to be ■■■■■■■ kidding with this. Democrats have been saying there are better ways to protect our borders and lower illegal immigration all along. This is ■■■■■■■ one of them Doug.

It’s dumb ass republicans that think good ideas like this are stupid and just want their ■■■■■■■ moronic wall so they can protect our sacred “house”.


Wow, this is really funny! Why not hold back that 4.8 bill and re-appropriate it for the wall? Maybe “the Wall” is just another dog whistle to manipulate and pacify his followers.

I had that explained to me in an earlier post. I thought ridiculing Trump over providing this aid meant that they thought he was doing the wrong thing. I had it explained that they agree with what he is doing, they just like to ridicule him anyway.
Issue resolved.

That’s a lot of pesos!

To paraphrase Chief Brodie, “They’re going to need a bigger bank”.


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You think Trump knows about this part of the budget to begin with?

You thought wrong.

I’m OK with this move. Spending money that could actually make a difference sounds fine. Spending money on a wall which would be nothing more than a monument to the poor decision making of a president doesn’t sound fine.

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Yeah, this is a much better use of our limited tax money than a stupid wall.

It’s one of the few dog whistles he still has left

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It’s going to be one of these type of deals…


Pretty much the whole Southern Mexican border security, walls, cameras, etc. was paid for by the U.S

I don’t disagree with that. I do question pumping another $20 (conservative estimate) to $70 billion into a wall which I doubt would be effective and would become an icon for all things anti-American.


Wait…that’s real? And today?

Just now.

For anyone that doesn’t know, he is describing the current border fencing…


That’s hysterical!

I :heart: this comment.

Taco Pastorius



Replying to

I’m glad you find the idea of steel slats artistically pleasing, should make prison nice and cheery.


Ok so lemme get this right. Trump said he will shut down the government if he doesn’t get 5 billion for the wall. But then he decides to give Mexico 10 billion?