"Uranium One" Fact checking the FactChecker, my research

If she did, that’s a violation of federal law. You should report it.


Don’t tell anyone but someone already did.

Oh, welp I hope the FBI arrests her. She sounds like a bad person.

Then why hasn’t Trump stopped it for national security reasons?!

Trump used national security as an excuse to place tariffs on Canadian goods… but can’t use it to stop selling uranium to a foreign adversary?

Canada sucks and I’m sure Trump has a handle on the situation with the greatest military in the world.

Fat donald wants to cut military spending.


How is it a threat to national security?

What do you believe could happen? How could this be used against us?

Considering what Obama did to our military, that’s getting off cheap.

This is an example of how trusting your enemy can be costly, Crowdstrike’s report describes how the Ukrainian Artillery trusted software from Russia when war broke out between the two countries, the software when sending it’s location to the Ukrainian military would also send its to the Russians.

What did Obama do to our military and how did Trump apparently fix it?

That’s not an answer to my question.

Would you like to try again?

Obama deported it and Trump brought it back with tax dollars.

Ok so you’re asking how selling uranium to the Russians is a threat to National Security.
It can be used against us and you know how it can be used against us.


[quote=“Weedhopper, post:1, topic:64816, full:true”]

The Deal
“But the deal required multiple approvals by the U.S., beginning with the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States. Under federal law, the committee reviews foreign investments that raise potential national security concerns.”
Under federal law, IMO it allowed a small group of people to determine what [/quote]

This was all debunked half a dozen times in 2016.

Why is this a thing again?

Obama depleted our military? I guess the two wars he inherited and the sequester didn’t have anything to do with that.
Try critical thinking instead of buying into everything you hear that fits your narrative.

they lied to you.

I guess people are keeping critical information from you.

No they didn’t. It looks like you’ve either failed to grasp reality or are spinning the truth.

Which is it.

I base my reality off of facts.