UNHINGED: Kathy Griffin Calls Trump ‘DESPICABLE NAZI,’ Demands Deportation | Sean Hannity

Kathy Griffin’s textbook case of Trump Derangement Syndrome was on full display Tuesday; viciously comparing the President to a recently deported Nazi war criminal.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/unhinged-kathy-griffin-calls-trump-despicable-nazi-demands-deportation/

She is one ignorant person.

She needs to be “deported”–to a mental institution. Or send her to a socialist country and let her see what real life under socialism is like!!!

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Or acknowledge that you live in a free country with a first amendment and let her say dumb things without threatening to deport everyone you disagree with.


The first Ammendment also protects Danna’s right to say what they said.

All that has to be done is for the media to ignore her. The caveat is that the media revels in her kind, as they are one!

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She will do anything and say anything for attention and that is all this bizarre behavior is…SICK 51050.

This from a woman who thinks a severed head of our President is funny. You and your leftist friends are crazy lunatics. You are hateful and insulting to those of us who want a better country. You have no idea what it is like for people to live paycheck to paycheck and you would rather have a felon like Hillary Clinton as President than a highly successful businessman who works hard and cares about America. You and your friend have no right to judge our President given your lack of morality, family values, respect for differences of opinion and for the legal majority who hired Donald Trump. This isn’t the United States of California or the United States of New York, this is the United States of America. Also, reviewing your history I noticed that you are nothing more than another person with no education beyond high school. Do you think acting makes you smarter than those of us who went to college and worked for a better education. In a word, no. You are just as ignorant as you portray those on the right. So, why don’t you just shut up, because America is tired of looking at your face!!!

Indeed, and I obviously didn’t suggest otherwise.

Unfortunately like most she uses the word Nazi way to frequently…and doesn’t understand truly what a National Socialist is.

This Griffin is truly a pathetic and despicable human being. I did not support our last president, but I never spoke badly of him one time while he was in office. It is called respect for the office of the Presidency. Only a true patriot would understand that. I have no idea what you call yourself, but you certainly lack good morale judgement. Your career has tanked and hopefully it will continue to do so. I will pray for that to happen because you get what you deserve in life.

“Unhinged” needs to be officially declared the “Poster Nut” for the Liberals. She is “typical” I think!!

The First Amendment allows people to make A$$eS of themselves. Kathy Griffin is an expert in doing so, because she is one. Naturally, if I attempted to post this comment on Facebook, Twitter, etc., they left wing fiends there would block it because it’s “hate speech.” But calling Trump a “Nazi” is “political comment” in their eyes.

You should create Conservative Twitter and then you can ban Kathy Griffin fans.

She is NOT a comedianne (sp?)

Yeah actually we do have a right to judge Donald Trump. I’m squinting my eyes right now and judging so hard you wouldn’t believe it. Judgey judge judge.

For the record, digging into someone’s profile and attempting to insult them personally doesn’t help your argument, it kinda makes you look unhinged and unsure of your own position.

My face is staying right here in America, by the way. And you’re going to be seeing an awful lot of our very not shutting up faces come early November so buckle up buttercup.

Too bad the Democrats are all about NOT letting anyone judge or talk. The Dems can seem to ban people and things FAST enough. A sign of pure desparation.

Funny how the LEFT don’t seem to know that all those bad organizations the cite are all leftist. Except for communism which the Left embrasses openly - with the antifa brownshirt nazis thrown in for good measure.

Begs the question then why does this website give her so much free publicity?

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I am of the LEFT. Please do tell me more funny stories about what I supposedly know or don’t know or what I allegedly embrace. I do so love a good fairytale.
