Unemploment soars to 14.7% M 20m jobs lost

So Trump played the worst possible move? Made recommendations he didn’t want implemented? This is what happens when you haphazardly react to catastrophic event.

Seems there needed to be a whole lot more cohesion and coordination on the national level.

Crawfish for breakfast?

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the administration recommended social distancing guidelines. it was state governors who decided businesses had to be shut down to follow them. did they? or, could we have implemented them by passing them onto businesses and let them figure out how or if they could operate under the guidelines?

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Authoritarian high modernism.

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No, that was in the guidelines

No, shutting down non-essential businesses were a part of the guidelines issued by Trump’s agency

Pandemics and the MSM screaming doom and gloom at the top of their lungs…have a tendency to do that.

14%? thats still less than the 20-40% unemployment when trump took office…

then you’ll have no problem pointing to that in the guidelines.


have at it

I’ll even start you off.

Here is the one guideline that was issued about not going to work.

and here is everything they said absolutely in no way could be shut down (to save you time looking)


Those aren’t the guidelines given to the governors. That a different guideline as to what the public should do.

So what you’re saying is, since Trump didn’t ■■■■ anything down, he can’t open anything back up.

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Yes. Exactly what I said then.

Are tattoo shops in Georgia open? Did Trump agree with it?

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Lol. You argued quite the opposite actually. I was there. It’s cool though, however you get to the correct point.

You are mista… wrong. You need to go look.

"Gov. Cuomo: “No, we haven’t had any conversation. He left the responsibility of closing down of the economy to the

"Cuomo said earlier if the President forced him to reopen the economy before he was ready, he would refuse,


Seems Cuomo has a different opinion.

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…for listening to dumb, scared, lefties yell at the sky about the pending doom and gloom of the incoming pandemic? I would be but…I was there too and heard the lefties all unitedly screaming from the rooftops that we’re all gonna die. Since I didn’t have any experience or criteria to base an educated response on, I must say…for a tad…I was a bit shaken up too. Now that we have examples of this pandemic from all around the country, I now can see that shutting us all down was the wrong thing to do. So what now? Lefties are still yelling at the sky that Trump shouldn’t have listened to them and now…we agree.



those are the cdc guidelines. if there are others post them

That was so last week’s lib talking points. They evolve on a 24 hour cycle. lol


Let tens of millions of Americans keep suffering while Wall Street parties on…and Republicans keep claiming that wealth inequality isn’t a problem. This situation will go south very quickly.