Uh Oh ----- Union stages a sit in in UCLA president's office. Should they get the same 7-year sentences as the Jan 6 protesters?

Union workers broke into the UCLA President Gene Block’s office earlier this week.
Blocking his ability to educate Californians.

They tried to destroy education the same way those horrid Jan 6 protesters occupied the US Capitol and tried to destroy democracy. They should get the same sentences (up to 7 years.)

Worse still, while President Trump at least eventually tried to calm the US Capitol protesters, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler did no such thing.

Equal Justice under law!!

If we prosecute Pres Trump and the Jan 6 protesters then we must also prosecute Liz Shuler (who never even tried to stop the sit-in) and the union that did this.

If President Trump tried to end democracy then Liz Shuler tried to end education, we must not prosecute people simply for having political beliefs we dislike.

Who’s with me?

Oh no.
It happened at UC Berkeley too.

The union protesters, who rushed a building, interrupted an meeting of administrators and the undergraduate student government.
Jan 6 protesters got 6mos to 7 years. These protesters (who tried to end education in California) should share jail cells with them

Most importantly, the head of their union, Liz Shuler never told them to stop. Never told them to leave. She must be punished right alongside Pres Trump.

If they are trespassers like most of the jan 6th crowd then sure give them 7 years too.

Throw the book at them.

He doesn’t educate Californians.



So dramatic.

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Are they building cars in these schools?



I love it when rightwingers try to get clever with their grievance whining.


Well in honesty only one Jan 6 protester got 7 years. I don’t follow the case closely but I assume he hit somebody or stole something.

Still just as President Trump, by his inaction attempted to destroy our democracy, the union heads by their even more egregious inaction attempted to destroy education.

It appears to me with multiple demonstrations and multiple University building sit-ins this was a coordinated attack and cannot be described any other way.

Not that I know of.
Why? You don’t like my parallel?

They are members of UAW?

Yeah our union laws are funny that way.
Existing unions keep their traditional name, but freedom of association means they can organize anyone anywhere. A union with “teacher” or “education” in the name is free to organize a TESLA factory, and a union with “auto” in the name is free to organize university workers.

Hmmm…isn’t that your trade craft?

That’s stupid. And shady.


I know you are, but what am I?

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He’s trying to learn.

Is that the 5th D. Dramatic?

No. Cognitive Dissonance

Ah. Relating everything to everything.

Dramatic - They weren’t sentenced for 7 years for trespassing….

Only one riotergot 7 years and not for trespassing.

My gosh.

How do you guys manage to cry victim and relate back to everything? It’s quite the feat.