U.N: China is keeping Muslims is camps

I want them to think about an idea to solve it. Then come to me. If it’s a good solution then they can run with it. If it’s not we talk about what else they can do. It’s teaching them to be problem solvers. Because…i am not always around.

I find it Bizzarre that you think the boss should solve everyone’s issues. Let me guess your not one are you?

And where did I say I didn’t want them to bring me problems. I said I didn’t like it if they didn’t at least bring one solution along with the problem.

Yeah. On that I do too!

This doesn’t make sense to me. I’m not part of the solution, but I’m also not part of the problem. Bringing awareness to the issue, as the UN did, can certainly be a step towards solving it even if they don’t do anything else.

Ah yes…but who’s going to solve the problem.

UN: hey America we have this Issue going on in China. How do we fix it?

Would you rather the UN had kept its mouth shut and not informed anyone about the problem? What do you think they should do to fix it?

Sanctions…send in the red cross or other body to make sure these people are Ok. Call attention to it and keep the heat on.

But as long as you are ok with the UN saying ok here’s a problem…we identified it. ■■■■ everything else if nothing gets done. We did our job. I’m ok with it too.

China is a permanent member of the UN security council, so how exactly would the UN impose sanctions on China?

Now that the UN has informed the world about the problem, including the Red Cross, why must the UN “send in” the Red Cross? The Red Cross should just go if it’s that simple and such a crisis.

Isn’t that exactly what they’re doing?

Fine by me.

The best boss is not a “boss”. They are a leader. And good leaders duplicate themselves by training their subordinates to act as the leader would in a decision making situation. This frees up the leader to tackle long term issues while his team (Not subordinates) handle the day to day issues. An organisation like that is unstoppable and a joy to work for.

As horrible as I find the way China is treating people and they are creating angry people. At the same time China was never going to tolerate terrorism or separatist.

Koushi…thank you. This is what I’m trying to do.