Again, “defund” does not mean all funds have to be removed. Any removal of funds is defunding.
Politicians, especially republicans it seems, love to use “defund” as an absolute. Defund Planned Parenthood, NEA, PBS, WHO, Obamacare, etc. Perceived common use may lead to perceived solitary definition, but that simply is not true.
Again though, read the words of those asking for defunding and let their definition be what matters.
Rolling Stone had nothing to do with it. The person talking in the Rolling Stone article giving a first person explanation was what matters.
Here you go. Same idea. Not Rolling Stone.
On Wednesday in Phoenix, protesters carried signs calling for the defunding of police. That same day in Seattle, demonstrators carried “Black Lives Matter” signs, calling for cuts to the police department’s budget and shifting the money to social programs.
Protesters have also called for budget cuts in New York City, Philadelphia and Los Angeles.
Defunding the police means reallocating money budgeted for the agencies and instead, putting it toward other causes.
Defund? Hell! Minneapolis wants to disband thepolice deprtment all together!
How are they going to accomplish that?
"“I don’t know yet, though several of us on the council are working on finding out, what it would take to disband the [Minneapolis Police Department] and start fresh with a community-oriented, non-violent public safety and outreach capacity,” said Steve Fletcher, a council member who represents the city’s Ward 3, which covers parts of downtown, on Twitter.
Yeah, that will prevent the rapes, robberies, drive-bys and murders,.
The better idea would be for black men to become police officers and they be the ones to patrol and keep the peace in the areas they grew up in. They know it better than anyone else and they’d be the perfect candidates for the job. Just step up and take on the responsibility plus get paid to do it?
Gymnastics? What is it called when someone refuses to identify the meaning of a word in the context of those using it? As in “defund” and those asking to defund the police? I gave two separate articles giving extremely straightforward meanings for “defund” by first or second person accounts.
Again, from that liberal trash Fox…
Defunding the police means reallocating money budgeted for the agencies and instead, putting it toward other causes.
To some maybe. To you maybe. To many it means ending the police presence completely. Right? How much funding do the police need to maintain adequate training, manpower and services? Has anybody considered this?
[quote=“Mountain_Soldier, post:33, topic:231869, full:true”]So take money from the police and give it to black people? Like they’re doing in LA?
This is from the Blaze. You probably should dismiss it as liberal lies.
Article says LAPD budget is $3.1 billion (other sources say $1.8). Budget cuts/reallocations total $150 million. Those funds would go to mental health care, housing and other social services. If you want to say mental health care, housing and other social services is “giving it to black people” I guess you can. Maybe you can share some info where those services will be exclusive to blacks only.