TV shows that was cancelled to early or you wish that would have stayed around longer

  1. Hannibal, I really loved that show creepy yet beautiful art. The third season I think hurt it when Hannibal fled to Italy but I still loved the show, I really would have liked to have seen it go five-six seasons.

  2. Ash and the evil dead - Come on, all horror fans dreams came true with this series. A solid three seasons for any fan of the Evil Dead Trilogy cancelled after just three seasons. Not going to lie this one hurt because it was to good to be true that at even came around, plus was just as funny and crazy as the movies.

  3. Twin Peaks lasted two seasons one of my favorites shows ever. I like about 90% of David Lynch material this was one of them.

I could have included more like Freaks and Geeks and Constantine but I felt the three I listed were the biggest three for me personally.

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Yes! The next season would have been Ash fighting deadites in an apocalyptic future. I need that in my life.

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Same here man I almost cried lol when I heard it was cancelled. Unlike many shows it just kept on getting funnier and funnier to me and then gone :frowning:

Any super easy show I worked on where I could make money and have a life.


Lifetime Live
Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn
Crowd Goes Wild on Fox Sports One
Johnny and the Sprites.

But for shows that people actually watched.

Of course



-Deadwood (got a movie, though)
-Santa Clarita Diet

Firefly usually tops these lists. Even 20 years later, people are really bitter about that one


Ooh, and the animated Spawn on HBO

Got to appreciate the writing of a show who’s main characters spiritual center is Jacksonville Florida. Or as Ash says

“I’ve always wanted to spend some time in a city so nice they named it Jacksonville.”

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Last season wasn’t so great, but would have enjoyed more Cold Case with better writing, maybe Without a Trace, too.

I liked Rome, Firefly, and Deadwood didn’t see the rest but those three are worthy in my book :slight_smile:

Yea Rome was good…Titus Pullo was a great character, he was ancient Rome version of the average soldier…lol.

Angle - That cliff hanger ending sucked.
Sense8 - That was an out of the box show.


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American Dreams

Can you or someone explain Colin Quinn to me? Any bits out there to watch where I’ll say “Yes! I get it now!”

I find him to be ridiculously unfunny. He’s had a zillion year career and gets a lot of love, so he must be doing something right, but I can’t see it.

For reference, I also dislike cheese, which everyone seems to like, so this may just be another me issue.

I am going to have to give this a look when I see something brought up a few times :slight_smile: I watched one or two episodes but maybe I made the mistake of watching it not from the first.

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When you’re done with the season, don’t forget to watch the movie Serenity!


Will do :slight_smile:

He is a very good writer. Not the greatest performer.