Tucker Carlson rejects the Metric System and owns the Libs

It more or less played out like a comedy act. Or a competition as to who can keep a straight face. What’s 1/3 of a foot? 4 inches, see how easy? What’s 1/10 of a foot?

I don’t mind the current system because I know it and it has been around a long time. But the metric system is pretty easy. As a kid back in the late 70s they actually taught us the metric system because they were sure it would replace the current system. It’s very easy to learn.

Also: that it’s inelegant. Whatever you think of it, it’s unquestionably more elegant than the imperial system which is, I ■■■■ you not, based on barleycorn. But nothing’s more 'Murican than clinging to cables and fathoms and leagues and hands and sticks and spans and paces and ropes and Roman miles (not to be confused with miles and nautical miles) and cubits . . .


You can have my bushel and peck when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers ya rotten libs!


It sums up America right now.

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My wife’s grandparents—nonagenarian transplants to Texas from Niagara Falls, NY—are hardcore Fox News watchers. They now live with my wife’s parents and a couple months ago I had the pleasure of “grandsitting” them a couple of nights that my in-laws were out of town. Keep in mind, I absolutely adore my wife’s family—especially her grandparents. Amazing, loving people who are extremely generous. One of my favorite things is listening to her grandfather’s stories and words of wisdom.

At any rate, during these two nights, I got to experience something I had never experienced before. The good grandson I am, I didn’t want to impose on their routine and so I asked them what they wanted to watch after dinner. Her grandmother eagerly asked for me to turn it to Tucker, and so I did. I watched a full episode of Tucker Carlson and observed as these two very wise people completely soaked up every word that came out of this guy and his guests’ mouths. It was a spectacle to see. I can’t even remember what the specific show was about, but it was some crazy ass ■■■■ that had little to no basis in truth.


They used to be 64 oz glass bottles. Much less oppressive when you try to carry four of them bouncing around in a brown paper bag.

All this got me interested in dusting off roman numerals and the runic language. So much easier.

This is what my visits home are like now, too. This is a syndrome that’s been going on for years and years now.

There’s a whole genre of thinking and writing about it; this is one of my favorite recent examples:

What I’ve Learned From Collecting Stories of People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News


This is a Snow Flake moment if I ever did see one…

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Metric is a made up pagan system of the devil. God gave us Judeo-Christian Freedom Inches, and limp-wristed globalists aren’t going to violate my patriotic freedom to worship.

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“The meter is the Devil’s yardstick of tyranny!”

I could be totally incorrect here, but doesn’t the military (and the sciences) use metric as a standard?

It’s my 1st amendment religious right to measure as I please.

For the most part, yes. There are instances for the imperial system as well, such as using the M2 machine gun, which is the only modern weapon still in use since before NATO. I don’t know if they completely phased in the new M2 variants yet (they likely have), so they may have gone completely metric by now.

Is military time oppressive? I mean, there’s AM and PM here in Freedomland, but in the military it’s a 24 hour clock.

Or are we oppressed and don’t even realize it?

Interesting thanks!

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So I’m writing a blog series on universal health care. I’m deliberately taking a bridge-building tone and slowly making my case addressing most of the common conservative arguments against, how they don’t line up with reality, and laying out the mountains of evidence in favor. I ask my oldest brother, who is pretty conservative but also very meticulous and analytical, to read my series and give his input. I ■■■■ you not, after giving me some trite arguments against “socialized medicine”, said

I would have a hard time reading it and providing unbiased feedback. I really don’t want to get into a debate about political stuff with a family member…If you think your posts aren’t coming from a super liberal mindset and I won’t get mad/upset reading it, I can check it out. Hope you understand?

This is a 40 year old. He doesn’t want to read something that doesn’t line up with his views because it’ll make him mad or upset. I read that and was like, “what. the. ■■■■■■ I politely explained to him that I explicitly want someone coming from his point of view reading it and giving me “biased” feedback because I want to know where he’s coming from and what his thoughts are. He ghosted me in regard to the blog posts. Haven’t talked about them since.

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I’ll get back to you with an answer around 18:30 GMT.

That was the argument against adopting it in the 1970s.


I want my Murica back! ::sob: I grew up with quarts and gallons and inches and miles and I want to keep them!

Its not really just military time. Most of the rest of the world uses the 24 hour clock.