Trump's home raided by FBI agents (Part 1)

Oh dear lord.

The media has turned every second of every minute of every hour of every day into a “tan suit”, “dijon mustard” day for dimocrat clowns. You’re being played again and haven’t ever considered for a millisecond that this keeps happening to you.

You’re gonna owe trump a GREAT BIG APOLOGY.

Can’t wait to see the wording.

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You’re gonna owe trump A HUGE APOLOGY.


Start the rough draft now while you’ve got some time.


If there is one thing we learned from DJT, it’s that you never and I mean never, apologize!! :joy:

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Looks like you’re wrong, and I mean WRONG! Looks like you learned NOTHING.

Which lying media organization pounded that into your brain??

You should start working on your apology as well.


Wait are you trying to get the fires of impeachment going for Biden for next year? :joy:.

Can’t wait.

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“Says in new book”.

When did you ever and i mean ever believe anything that starts with that line

Let me know. Thanks!

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Book came out this week. Check it for yourself.

I don’t read now?? Is that the gag??

If only I were as smart as you.

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Strange response. May be it’s too early. Not sure where in the world you are. You don’t read now? What in the what?

Let me try again since it may not have been clear the first time

When did you ever believe any tidbit that includes “says in a new book”.

It’s not me who accused those who bought a Woodward book of being gullible idiots.

This is the J’Biden presidency!

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I don’t think anyone will need to do that.

Garland looks ready to see what the underside of a migrant bus from Texas to New York City looks like.

Dumb Dumb Biden Dumb.

Ah ok. Thanks.

LOL…We are the rubes.

Let’s Go Brandon!!

Another strange response……

Is it too early there too?

Don’t forget Bolton.

I found it funny that Bolton thinks Trump could only declassify documents during his short stay in the administration.

As much as I hate to feed the pretext…some of it is genuine comedy.

Abuse of power is no laughing matter.

Actually this “apology” makes sense when you read the link provided and find out Trump “offered” it right before a convention they were both attending, and in return, he expected Cruz to endorse him…which Cruz didn’t.

Trump then threw a temper tantrum, walked off stage, and took attention away from Cruz at that convention.

So I think that puts the insincerity of the “apology” in a clear light.

But hey, if it makes the poster feel better, we can offer insincere “apologies” to Donald Trump too.

Since the poster obviously gains energy from defending Trump’s honor.


I’m gonna tell you a funny story. I saw your response to my post and without looking at what you quoted from me, I simply assumed it was my post above that you quoted and didn’t even notice you dredged up the woodward post until after I replied to you.

In other words, I didn’t read what you posted and then assumed you were just saying that i don’t bother to read things.

I should have read it. :smiling_face::smiley::smiley::hushed::flushed:

Mea culpa.


Why do feel it so strange?

Is it the air in your strata perhaps?

Have fun, no need for the put downs.

The DOJ and FBI in their reluctance to investigate Ol Folksy Joe’s ties to his corrupt son and brother would be grounds for impeachment now. We won’t even raise the failure to uphold the constitution or the safety and security of the country by enabling the invasion of 3 million illegals streaming across the southern border.
But impeaching J’Biden is won’t happen with a partisan Congress and perhaps a good thing considering Ol Joe’s ouster would usher in a worse disaster.


Didn’t cruz pledge to support the winner??

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democrats and the left never apologize for non-political ends. they just force non-democrats to show weakness by apologizing