Trump wins the Iowa caucus

Our plan is working… please make Trump the nominee!

This is with 84% of the vote counted.

Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus
Last updated:
1/15/2024, 9:43:40 PM
County Results
Donald J. Trump
GOP 47,108
Ron DeSantis
GOP 19,650
Nikki Haley
GOP 17,616
Vivek Ramaswamy
GOP 7,120
Ryan Binkley
GOP 652

Looks like DeSantis might just squeak by for second place

take away

based on recent polling

Trump: Slightly underperformed
Desantis: Over performed
Haley: Met expectations

based on what may have been expected disregarding recent polling

Trump: Underperormed
Desantis: Met expectations
Haley: over performed

Which narrative makes it out of IA?

Respect for Trump’s leadership during his first term continues to grow within the Republican Party.


Ramaswamy is suspending his campaign…

does anyone care?

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Well, Biden will have presidential immunity from prosecution for the damage done to the country during his Manchurian candidacy. But the unelected puppeteers who were making corrupt unauthorised decisions in his name might find thrmselves liable for charges and prison time. And I don’t think Trump will be issuing any pardons on their bahalf. And they may have to wait seversl four year terms for the next Democrat President to win election under fair untampered ballots.


Some people yes…he had lot of support from younger generation. He might be a reason why more younger people are becoming Conservative.

I know 2 of them. And every one counts IMO.

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meh, came off like a too slick marketer. Maybe he should sell kitchen gadgets


I don’t think it’s respect. I honestly can’t explain why Trump still holds so much power over the right.

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He seems to hold more power over you. :man_shrugging:


so who is helped coming out of IA?

Desantis: May have plugged the leaks. He has to overperform in NH (which shouldn’t be difficult) remain respectable in SC and solid 2nd in NV to have a chance.

Haley: She’s now a serious candidate. Needs a solid 2nd in NH (easy) and needs to win or come damn close to it in SC (not so easy)

Trump: the only thing that can help or hurt Trump is Trump

Nope. Haven’t voted for him, never will.

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This was do or die for DeSantis because of where it’s going next NH. Even though Vivek was never going to win he was polling around 5% in NH and it’s hard to think the Vivek vote goes to Haley which is literally putting her candidacy on a NH surprise win over Trump.

In all honesty there’s a chance Trump has it sowed up before Super Tuesday (Or before) and as you said DeSantis has to over perform in NH if not he has to get second in SC which seems unlikely.

he doesn’t need 2nd in SC, SC is more important to Haley, she has to win or come close to it. Having your state come early is great… unless you don’t win it.

Endorsing Trump, I see. Somewhat surprising. Kissing up perhaps?

Policies and Promisess Kept.
How do you feel about a noble idea like that?

Trump lives rent free in their heads.

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And now that the pretty light show is done distracting people, they can start thinking seriously about Trump’s next term. :wink: