Trump will cure AIDs and Cancer in his second term!

Wouldn’t be surprised, especially after how pissed they were when slavery ended.

How did America ever survive without Donald Trump?

I don’t understand how he doesn’t believe in science and DNA testing, but he talking about trying to cure AIDS and Cancer with science and DNA testing.
How Sway?

Funny as hell, yet so damn sad.


Junior should have read his dad’s speech.

He’s about as stupid as his father so it comes as no surprise.

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Yet he is beloved by the cult.

Too stupid to be a criminal.

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I’ll bet there are 3 or 4 of them right here on this board.

I hope they have someone watching over their money, they could easily get scammed.

Trump would never scam anyone. Period.

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Did Trump and/or you learn that at Trump University?

I’d rather go to a restaurant that offers good food and service. But that’s just how us progressives think.

Yeah, that sounds like sound reasoning. Attacking the dotard trump is like attacking our Savior. Just need some Evangelicals to confirm now.

Who knew cancer could be cured by the president. I also heard he’s got a facility in jersey for the summer cure.


Trump can’t even cure made up bone spurs.

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You’d think he’d cure obesity so he could lose about 150 lbs and look healthy


Will he halt the rise of the oceans and heal the planet too?

No he’s making that demonstrably worse.

Yes, it was a wonderful school, and it taught me sooo much.