Trump will Cave

What I saw on this forum from some trump supporters in the last few days was eye opening. Many of these trump boot lickers are truly despicable and without any sense of decency.


Pretty sure it was more the fact that every spokesman was basically getting run down trying to advance the “we can’t take children tol prison with their parents!” narrative of “we are just enforcing the law”…

It just wasn’t flying, even on Fox.

Please focus on the subject. How do you feel now that trump did a complete about face? Are you ok with this?

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So, If Trump does what the left wants, it’s a cave, and the left will bash him for it. Kind of a stupid strategy. Why would he do it then?

The cognitive dissonance required to be able to support both positions is amazing. Trumpists will probably be okay with doing it nevertheless. In any case, my personal opinion is to keep the families together—don’t care how it gets done as long as it gets done. Damage to GOP is not my problem.

The stain has been revealed for many…


Because he’s an idiot.

Hasn’t signed anything in front of a camera for a while?


I have to wonder if they thought they might get border wall funding out of it. Let’s face it, Hannity’s whole run-up to the ass-kicking the Republicans are going to take this November has been “He kept his promises! He is building the border wall!”. I think this was a last-ditch effort to get the Democrats to fund the stupid ■■■■■■■ wall. However, the optics got so bad, that it allowed Trump to do his other thing…

Trump is a sadist, and he enjoyed seeing the pain he was causing. Now he gets to take credit for stopping the pain “the Democrats” caused, and he can now focus on delivering some new form of pain.

Well he didn’t like the bill that as a compromise had funding for the wall. So obviously out of deep respect for fiscal responsibility we’re back to Mexico paying for it.

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Trump could always try the “not doing dumb things in the first place” strategy.

What dos that make those who lost to a complete amateur?

Yup he literally okayed child abuse and ripping babies from mothers- to try and extract policy concessions.

And many here on this forum applauded. This will not be forgotten.

Sounds good to me. I’ll give him credit. Thanks Trump! But Sessions, Nielsen, Sanders and everyone else… great how he throws everyone else under the bus.

Because a good chunk of the right wanted him to rescind the policy he instated as well.

It reflects more on the minority who voted for him and comprised that very small crowd at his inauguration.

That’s true. Even Trump had to know how toxic this was with the large majority of Americans. Basically everyone who is not a Trumpist.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if Melania had a lot of influence on his decision too. In any case, glad this is happening, as Congress needs more time to get something passed and implemented.

Also yesterday Orrin Hatch sent a letter to the DHS asking them to put a halt to the family separations, and the letter was signed by quite a few Rs.

The pressure worked.

You seriously think the orange idiot listens to his wife? Seriously?

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I liked how Sessions spent an hour or so explaining to everyone how what they were doing was different from a concentration camp.

Nielsen must be pissed!! She’s probably thinking “i got hounded at a Mexican restaurant for this pile of crud?!!