Trump wanted to release asylum seekers into Nancy Pelosi district (4-12-2019)

We can build on this new shift in policy, let’s start using red states that think “regulation is burdensome” as national hazardous waste dumping sites (maybe even international, make some profit!), and we can also congregate all of our fossil fuel power generation there.

I know a perfect way for them to remain united. Do not invade a foreign country. Stay home, apply, wait your turn and don’t try to force yourself to the head of the line.

We can’t control who comes here. We can control our reaction.

Nobody forced anyone to take those kids away from parents, refuse to make even the basic effort to collect information on the family, and place them in cages for weeks on end. That is what a Republican administration decided was the best policy.

Absolutely correct.

In my opinion Republican media has Republican voters so pissed off, over the last 30 years, that they WANT this mafia guy to grab liberals, metaphorically, by the throat and choke them to death. That’s what you get when you sell hate for $$$.

It’s also why you have so many people who are estranged from their family’s over politics.

again they are not invading, they are asylum seekers.

Mostly woman and children.


We certainly can control who comes here. It’s our country. We decide. We don’t belong to the world. We can do it. We just chose not to.

I heard this morning that she refused to go along with this. She wasn’t going to let people be used as political pawns.

We can’t control who shows up at our border asking for help. Again, our reaction to that is 100% up to us. We can be as altruistic or cruel as we want. It just so happens that the political right in America seems to not only tolerate cruelty, but demand it.

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It’s the law. Obama did it.

some of my ancestors came here in 1680 and ousted the resident Native Americans.


Thousands? Let’s see it. How were there thousands when the caravans were “no big deal”?

Kathryn Steinle can’t heart this post.

Her choice. Pelosi is using them as pawns.

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People have been coming to America like this for generations. We didn’t need to suddenly start treating them like animals the moment the numbers ticked up a little.

It’s an invasion.

It’s this kind of stuff that proves that Donald Trump is as far from a Christian as you can possibly be. He doesn’t care that parents are separated from their own children. That’s a far away from Christ’s teachings as you can possibly ever get.

yeah…I know it was her choice…I think she wasn’t going to be part of the whole two wrongs making it right scenario. They all use people as pawns. It’s the sick underbelly of politics. They say they are there to represent the people…but the last things politics is, is about the people. Trump and Pelosi are cut from the same cloth…just worn differently ( different sides of the aisle)

Let’s see proof of this “thousands”

No they haven’t been coming like this for generations. Mexicans came, worked and went back in the winter. These aren’t Mexicans and they aren’t going back.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.
