Trump vows to bring all US troops home from Iraq 'shortly'

I never thought it was a war for oil because if it was then we failed miserably.

But a lot of people got very rich from our shennigans in Iraq

I mean private companies got rich.
America spend 4 trillion dollars.

They sure did and politicians on both sides benefitted.

A post was merged into an existing topic: General Slop from Various Threads +fd

Of course there’s an issue. They aren’t losers, they’re proud. Too proud to ask for or take help.

We should have kept the oil.

That would be illegal.
the military can only take resources if its to aid the war effort not for profit.

Oh, Canada.

laughs in british

This isn’t the 1500s anymore.

A significant benefit to oil independence under Trump.

America control zero oil reserves in the middle east.
America has convinced a number of middle eastern countries to let western oil companies operate.

I think we all laugh at your unwillingness to plunder the counties we invade. Look it up in the manuals. The Bible sanctifies our right to profit in times of war.

plundering is illegal.

Illegal or Totally cool owning the Libs?

illegal under UCMJ punishable by imprisonment.

Iran’s arms depot in Beirut was destroyed.

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According to the DOJ, laws don’t apply to our President. You say plunder and war crimes, he says just another liberal hoax perpetrated by the enemy of the people.

Trump is taking no ones oil.

Our President is not doing a lot of what he said he would do. He blames everybody but himself for his failures.

Dude there is a certain logic behind that. At least we would have something to show it.