Trump Tweets Pruit Out!

You’re correct - nobody cares, or rather nobody cares when their side does it. This is the Age of Idiocy/Incivility that Donald exploits and promulgates, and we are all idiots when we reward him for it.

it’s pretty common in the South for family lore to Include some unverified Native American heritage. Almost anyone I talk to about it seems to think they have Cherokee in their bloodline. It’s probably not usually true. Elizabeth Warren unfortunately had it listed in some Acedemic Journal decades ago, and people like Trump (insecure bullies) like to lock on to things like that so they can belittle someone. That is all this is. It’s utterly stupid.

We hired this guy to run the most powerful nation in the world, and he spends an awful lot of time on this kind of petty garbage. Mailing out hats, picking on people for no discernible reason…

It’s really no wonder he’s such a hero to trolls. But to what end?

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I would tell you to turn off your radio, if you really believe this tripe, but just go in doing you. And thanks for the laughs.

Looks like the wrong thread was merged with this one.

Read Matt Margolis’s book where all of the scandals are laid out in great detail.

You could do that, but since I haven’t listened to talk radio in years I’m not sure what good it would do. And thanks for the laughs.

He’s a foaming at the mouth Obama hater.

Um, sure.


I’m sure Putin and the Russian are enjoying his shenanigans since they helped put him in office.

So you’re still unable to provide a single shred of evidence.

Actually I just did by referencing Margolis’s book. But then again, I really wasn’t expecting you or any other LIB to pay it any mind.

Squeaky clean that Obama is. :rofl:

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Pointing towards right wing Obama hating tripe isn’t really the same thing as “evidence”. Unless you live in bizarro world.

Who care? Tax returns should be on postcard, as anyway

Folk lore does not make heritage. I was surprised when I found out what a Heinz 57 I was.

There are a few frauds around billing the system

Allan, don’t you care where your bloodline comes from. Heck you might get reunited with long lost relatives.

It may be the Right thread. This is like random thoughts. Lots of weird notions about reality.

Progressive notions are not ironclad either

Allan pretends not to care

Liberal progressives also have something against voter id, borders, culture, etc., etc.