TRUMP TO PELOSI: ‘We Will Not Cave’ on Border Security

Originally published at: TRUMP TO PELOSI: ‘We Will Not Cave’ on Border Security | Sean Hannity

President Trump doubled-down Thursday on his insistence that Congressional Democrats fully fund his proposed border security initiatives; telling Speaker Nancy Pelosi he “will not cave” on the border wall.

“Nancy just said she ‘just doesn’t understand why?’ Very simply, without a Wall it all doesn’t work. Our Country has a chance to greatly reduce Crime, Human Trafficking, Gangs and Drugs. Should have been done for decades. We will not Cave!

Nancy just said she “just doesn’t understand why?” Very simply, without a Wall it all doesn’t work. Our Country has a chance to greatly reduce Crime, Human Trafficking, Gangs and Drugs. Should have been done for decades. We will not Cave!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 24, 2019

Trump’s comments come after centrist Democrats urged Pelosi to make the President a counter-offer following his compromise immigration proposal released last weekend; saying he was willing to exchange DACA protections for $5.7 billion in border wall funding.