Trump takes out last ISIS caliphate

No, he did it years before in Bill Ayers living-room. Everybody knows this.

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Cultural misappropriation.

What’s the pay?

Save it, hippy.

Says a platinum member of the russia “collusion” conspiracy for two years running.

Bye bye, JV team!

That’s not all they were doing.

I wonder if Trump worshipers understand how pathetic it is to worship Donald Trump.

I’ve never made assertive statements about it.

Just for the record, you understand that ISIL still exists right?

Correct, just like al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Even some of the surviving Branch Davidians still cling to their ideology. We don’t use the methods required for exterminating ideologies, and for that I’m grateful.

You’re so edgy.

LOL at Trump showing the map they had to give him because he’s to dim to read briefing reports.

On some level yes. It’s what drives the deflections, denials, and whataboutism.

Nope. It was hussein and michelle X at their annual 9-11 celebration.

See based on your other posts on this board, I have no trouble accepting that as something you truly believe.

That hussein and his beard…um, I mean “wife” have an annual 9-11 celebration??

Why else would he miss the call from Benghazi, unless he was high as a kite and having a debauched evening with the “missus”??

Not to be outdone, trump celebrates -


…and then rebuilds it

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There are posters here who swear up and down that none of the basket dwellers ever ever said that Michelle is a man.