Trump Supporters Spend Weekend Clogging America’s Highways

Pile up of chumps who will be whining about election fraud at the end of the week.


That has been the standard methodology at every BLM protest across the US and I never once heard you call them out for “civil disobedience”.


BLM or anyone else, who block traffic, disobeys legit police orders and trespasses are civil disobedients and are subject to arrest.

I have been quite consistent on this issue.

As a protestor who has been to many protests.

I follow my own rules of protest.

Rule number 1–follow police orders to the T

Rule number 2–don’t bother people who disagree with you.

As Rodney king said lo those many years ago

Can’t we all just get along.



On this…we agree.

And you said this of the Left blocking roads and interstates when?

I mean despite our political differences.

We are still all Americans.

If trump wins…that the way it is and people who oppose him will have to deal with that fact

If Biden wins…that’s the way it is and people who oppose him will have to deal with that fact.

It’s people who can’t deal with the fact that the person won the majority of electoral votes.

Then there is a problem.



No reports of even one traffic citation given out from a Trump parade this past weekend.

Let’s call it something the police by and large did not find issue with either.

She grabbed em by the not so nice word for something we won’t say what it is.

I see why you guys are outraged by this lack of decorum.

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It seems like both sides are being hypocritical here. You either believe people have the right to block public roads for civil disobedience/protest/political statements, or you don’t.

Just because there were no citations nor arrests doth not make them innocent of civil disobedience.

The cops prolly looked the other way as they have don’t to BLM CDs.

What did you expect cops to write tickets en masse?


There’s no right to block roads.

If you block roads, you pay the legal price.

Folks who do not understand this do not understand how civil disobedience works.

It the willingness to pay the price that makes the message and it best done in direct protest against an unjust law.

In this case the CD were trump supporters who wanted to make their positions perfectly clear by blocking up traffic on major thoroughfares.


Yes, and they should be willing to pay whatever legal price comes from doing so. That is the point of the thing.

“The question is, what are you doing out there?”

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“Right”? Absolutely not. It’s not a right.

I agree. But it seems a lot of people feel differently about this depending on who is doing the blocking.

Yes and yes. I was talking about this re: being arrested and going to jail, etc.