Trump storms out of 60 minute interview

You actually believe there was a health care plan in the binder. Cue narrator stating that there is no health care plan in the binder. Don’t you think he would have rolled it out?

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A whole lot of nothing. Otherwise it would been actually presented to the public

Here ya go @vaard

It wasn’t Trump’s health care plan.

It contained 13 executive orders and prior health care legislation Trump passed, but none of it was a “health care plan” in any way, shape or form.

Trump himself admitted he doesn’t have one (well…he either does or he doesn’t…it covers pre-existing conditions or he hopes it will or it’s not complete yet…depending on which part of his rambling answer on the subject you want to focus on).

Man you guys go for Style Over Substance ALL THE TIME.

I guess it’s why the long con Trump has going on works on you…


Hey we finally have the healthplan we’ve been promising for 4 years ready. Wait, what? You want us to show it to the country? Why would we do that? You just have to trust us. It’s awesome!!!

Healthcare accomplishments is not a healthcare plan.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Right… no healthcare plan…

Thanks for confirming…

if you want to see it, you first have to agree with us canceling coverage for pre-existing conditions in the midst of a pandemic with a disease that causes them.

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I literally watched on video as he stormed off the set. I have a whole staff that already tries to gaslight me, thanks, and at least they have a good reason for it.


Wait last 3.5 year has not shown he can’t?

No he didn’t.

He was done and polite and in no hurry.

Sometimes it is best to just disengage.

Bye Ms. Stahl.

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Exactly why he released the full video.

To render these arguments trite.

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He handled 60 minutes.

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So what was a tough question asked?

No he didn’t. He whined like a baby about how unfair Leslie Stahl was being and pulled an Eric Cartman.

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“Ponytail flounceout” for the win!


it wasn’t a health care plan. I don’ think they expected Leslie Stahl to open it.

  • Stahl said in a clip — and “60 Minutes” suggested in a tweet on Sunday — the book had a series of executive orders and congressional initiatives “but no comprehensive health plan.”

Is this the same interview that was released uncut a few days ago? :thinking:

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The video he released cut off the part where he walked out sooooo

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