Trump State of the Union

No one should watch this by the way. The only way to make Trump suffer is to hit him in the ratings. He’d happily sacrifice his family’s lives if he felt it would be good for ratings…

We are not that stupid, as realized in the fact that we didn’t vote for the liar-in-chef.

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I’m probably going to watch, just to laugh at his drug-sniffing and makeup.

I predict a bigly speech where at long last Donald finally gives Donald the credit he’s due.

I’ll be binge watching Walter the howling dog.

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I don’t expect Trump to sway many people tonight.

If he takes a bi-partisan approach most listeners will wait for the next set of tweets originating in executive time to contradict the speech. If he takes an “I’m right, nobody knows more about (fill in the blank) than I do" approach, Cratic3947 and the rest of his base will be happy and the remainder of the country will cue The Who singing “Won’t Get Fooled Again” at least in their minds.

The more interesting speech tonight will be Stacey Abrams’ response. Remember that when Trump gave his Oval Office “gotta build the wall” speech five weeks or so ago, the Pelosi/Schumer response got higher ratings.

More often than not, either party’s ballyhooed rising star tends to blow this assignment. The assignment seems to be uniquely able to reveal who is not ready for prime time. I have read that Stacey Abrams is an excellent speaker, but I have never heard her, so I am not sure. The opportunity is there. especially given the resurgence in public opinion of the “America is on the wrong track” view that three and four years ago set the table for people to listen to Donald Trump. I see an opportunity for Abrams to contrast the angry and fearful America of Donald Trump with a more positive, inclusive vision. There is so much fear in Donald’s approach: of immigrants; terrorists; gangs; gangs; transgender people; Democrats. If Abrams calls for America to once again become the home of the brave, she might hit a home run.

Too frequently, rising political stars in this spotlight turn out like Jonathan Goff on Sunday – talented but not really ready for the big stage. We’ll see.



For a VERY brief period, I wanted a Frenchie. Walter changed my mind!

My cousin has always had Boston Terriers and Pugs…that’s plenty of smush-faced dog grunting and howling for me.

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Oh my god guys this is going to be amazing.

Who’s got $25 bucks, is bored, and to see “A**face McGee” player over Trumps SOTU?

He’s even grifting his own State of the Union Address. The man with no shame.

Next year it will be on Pay per View. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Wait?!? Is he actually doing that again this year? I was joking about that earlier in the thread, but I didn’t think he’d actually do it again…:rofl:

And he has upped it to a $25 minimum, instead of the $1.00 request from last years SOTU. :rofl:

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He sees the handwriting on the wall. Time to cash in at every opportunity. :wink:

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He’s saving up for his legal expenses once he leaves office. :wink:

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Russia has no extradition. :thinking:

The best words, bigly words, sniffles, lies, who could miss this?

Less supporters + more legal fees = grifting requirements increase

Pretty typical conman equation. This is really grifting 101

Putin will have gotten everything he can from the useful idiot by then. I think Trump will be left to fend for himself.

Maybe they can get him a sippy-cup to help with the adderall shakes and/or dementia issues?


He can share a room with Edward Snowden.

I think I’ll sign up for the $2700 montly donation. Wonder what I’d get for that?