Trump should give Chuck & Nancy a win

Is so.


Nuh uh

A large and unavoidable speed bump.


We see what the health professionals say. It is impossible to predict what is going to happen here.

Check for Corona virus.


Thank goodness the wall got him.

That was earlier today. Check the news.

Nice deflection, but raising money for one purpose when you intend to use it for something else is fraud. The purpose of the fraud does not make it less of a fraud.

Nope trumpers totally dont want a king.

Lol. That you think a wall is going to do much.

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I fear that this could get out of hand very quickly. There is just too much international travel daily. There are probably infected people in the air right now heading to ? I am going to predict that there will be a lot of dis-information generated because of this. I hope that this administration is not a key participant.

I like that idea.

How is it unconstitutional? Protecting the borders would be the best way to prevent a major outbreak in the US.

Unless those funds are allocated in the authorization to specific agencies and department he’ll have the legal authority to apply them as the administration sees fit.

This is why we elect a chief executive, it would be impossible to get congress to manage crisis response when they can’t even pass an annual budget.

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No, deny them entry at all if they are showing any possible symptoms. This is how we used to handle immigration through places like Ellis Island which had a huge quarantine facility.

A lot of the unhealthy immigrants would simply be put on the next ship returning to their country of origin.

Repeating this same fabrication endlessly won’t make it true.

Physical barriers are absolutely essential if you’re going to attempt to secure the border.

Everything else you can do means they have already crossed into the US before they are apprehended flooding the system as was done with the surges/caravans and creating a huge public health crisis as well as a crisis for ICE and the immigration courts.

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Nothing fraudulent about it. Preventing infected persons from entering the US is the best possible response to prevent widespread outbreaks.

Nice Try…The moneys alocated are to deal with the Corona Virus. The President gets to decide his priorities in dealing with the virus.

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Prevention is a hell of a lot cheaper and less deadly than treatment.

Prevent them from entering at all and you are saving lives and billions of US taxpayer dollars.

Take a look at the Flu which costs us 10.4bn annually in costs for treatment and closer to 100bn losses from reduced economic activity, lost hours and days at work etc.

Because of the panic of a pandemic or even the possibility of one resulting from CoVid19 would most likely be far more devastating economically and potentially cause serious civil unrest.

But we won’t know if they are infected until they show symptoms, which can be days after they are infected and able to pass on the virus. Consider how many thousands come over the border every day. Many of them to go to work. If this thing takes hold in northern Mexico we could have quite a issue at hand.

You’re just making an even stronger case for securing the border and preventing as many illegals from setting foot on US soil as possible.