Trump says Putin isn't getting involved in Venezuela, but his officials say

That’s a filthy liberal lie spread by Clinton and Obama, who were the ones who actually enlisted Russia to undermine our election and ruin several decent pizza parlours in glorious Flyover Country. Everyone knows Donald won the election in a massive and historic landslide DESPITE Obama/Clinton meddling.

I’m sorry, I believe I misread what you said. I thought you were talking about Trump, but you were talking about Democrats. That totally changes everything.

Probably doesn’t change the tone of how our conversation was going to go, but I do apologize for the confusion.

I also don’t know what we should do about Venezuela but I do know that Trump regurgitating what Putin told him a day after his Secretary of State went on tv and said Putin called Mudero who was on a plane ready to leave and convinced him to stay is hilarious.

I don’t think the right can get any weaker. They are so desperate to defend him the automatic response to ANYTHING Trump does is “so what”. Not a backbone in any of them.

We shouldn’t do anything about Venezuela except learn from it.

Looks like Russia is putting troops in Venezuela. No big deal?

Nothing Obama or Clinton or their mindless horde do will make any difference so long as we stand behind Donald with faith in our hearts and obedience in our heads.

Will you stand for Donald again in 2020? Please say yes!

Donald asked them to put troops there - they fell for his trap!

This thread is about Trump believing Putin over clear evidence to the opposite, we know for a fact Russia is backing the government in Venezuela with weapons.

Yes basing your whole economy on a single resource is stupid.
Alberta is to stupid to learn this lesson.

Free military support… winning!

They’ve been rotating troops into Venezuela at least since Maduro took over. When Chavez was in it was Cubans. I met a few of them.

That’s not the lesson. You base your economy on what you have.

Yeah that’s how Japan did it… :roll_eyes:

But Trump shouldn’t lie-

Industry can be built, having all your egg in one basket is dumb.

Frog and scorpion

This interview is now especially funny

What if Pompeo was lying?

Someone should ask him.

I have family in Venezuela.