Trump says Jewish-Americans who vote Democrat show "great disloyalty"

Never said that. Honestly what have the Republicans done for the working class. They screwed us big with the tax cuts. People like me in high tax states get screwed being only able to write off about half of the taxes I pay. No more writing off union dues. Most are against even minimum wage. Right to work is basically right to work for less. They try to destroy all the unions.

Which is nothing compared to what Trump said as he didn’t question anyone’s loyalty. And he was beat over the head with that for eight years like Tommy said

So … (insert something I did not say…)

Nobody has to be Jewish to be pro-Israel.

Or pro-USA.

So you are saying that you, a Catholic, are a Zionist while eighty five percent of actual Jews are not? And that is what you bloody said.

So … ( insert something I did not say …)

First that is exactly what you said, second you are mad about high taxes and somehow blame Trump for that. That is true TDS. By the way you should never ever ever ever been able to write off union dues. That is a voluntary due by a private group.

That is the ■■■■■■■ point. You complained about it for the whole time and are now being a hypocrite.

What the ■■■■ do you think being pro Israel means? Do you believe in the right for a Jewish homeland to exist in their ancestral lands? That’s Zionism. That would make you a Zionist.

Is it by any chance that “Zionism” has different connotations to right wingers that you’re reluctant to accept the completely accurate label?

I haven’t complained about it once :wink:

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Why can you write off church donations? Its voluntary isn’t it? How about business lunches or private jets? Completely voluntary again. No not mad about the high taxes necessarily. Just the fact that they gave another corporate giveaway at my expense. Trust me its gonna hurt them in the end. I’m not the only one.

You are now by just replying.


Both good points and should also be abolished

“why is the media so negative about the president”

Trump can’t be antisemitic he has lot of Jewish friends.

anyone who doesn’t vote for my party hates America.

You’re only a patriot if you vote Republican. That’s my favorite

I don’t think fat donald meant “vote for my party”

You realize that Trump is going to walk this back and make you look like fools? If he didn’t get calls from Mulvaney, Kushner and his daughter within minutes of this comment I’ll eat my hat.

Accusing Jews of disloyalty is textbook anti-Semitism.


Oh come on, he just decided to engage in some classic anti Semitic tropes mere weeks after catching a ton of heat for his crazy anti Latino rhetoric. This is fine. This is totally fine.