Trump Says He Will Override Governors On Church Openings

Makes for a good soundbite. How exactly will he override a governor that disagrees?

Trump needs to pick a different battle. Let the states handle this, with the courts stepping in if the state goes too far.

He needs his supporters to believe that he cares about their faith.

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A little red meat for the cult members of American Evangelicalism.

Is irrelevant.

Close down the media and watch them scream though.

One thing you can take to the bank. Trump won’t be in any church this Sunday.


Trump isn’t a church goer, but he’ll probably will for a photo op and that’s about it.

If social distancing measures, when applied to churches, are against the first amendment, wouldn’t fire codes (number of exits, max. capacity, etc.) be also?

I’m curious though, does the first amendment require that the DoJ sue the states, or does it forbid the DoJ from suing the state(s) in this regard. Is action by the DoJ promoting religion?

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Start taxing every church that opens


Governor’s don’t get to disagree with freedom of religion and the right to worship… safely of course.

Let them make this brave stand against the nursing home killer that avoids big box stores.

Should be quite a spectacle.



Don’t give an inch.

He’s expressing his opinion here.

I doubt if he’s writing a letter to all the churches telling them how to act, too

How is asking/telling people to worship from their homes suppressing religion?

It’s an attempt to keep old people from dying prematurely.

Frankly, I say let 'em all congregate and worship. If they’re right and no one gets sick, no harm done.

If they’re wrong, well, God will take care of em all, so no harm done…

Turn that around.

How is opening the church with safe protocols endangering the elderly and inform?

It’s fun and easy using projection.

He’s not picking a battle.

He’s tossing out read meat.

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That’s funny considering what Biden did today.

So what’s the liability if people get sick and/or die?
A couple of churches that opened back up are back to closed again.

What Biden did is irrelevant. I’m talking about Trump.


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Throwing red meat to the God Squad. So what. He won’t do anything.

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