Trump says he is likely to be criminally indicted over the January 6 event

And that’s why there should be a trial.

trump still too high in polls

roll out more indictments lol


Who was it that said, “Flood the zone with ■■■■■ ”? It’s just another way of distracting people and tiring them out. The tactic has become an end in itself.

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Remember Trumps perfect phone call to Zelenskyy? The one where Trump asked him to investigate Biden? Actually, just to announce that they were investigating Biden.

What about it?


Thats exactly what this is all about. Cant have a strong canidate to oppose the sitting derelict in chief.


There’s only one side trying to use the power of the central government to control what is truth and what is a lie.


But every indictment moves Trump higher in the polls, so aren’t the various investigations working to Trump’s benefit?

If the chief executive, unrelated to the official foreign policy of the US, tells the leader of another country to investigate domestic political rivals, abetted by the U.S. sec. Of state: NOT WEAPONIZATION

If the chief executive calls up the Secretary of State of a state and asks him to “find votes” to help him win an election he lost:


It’s absolutely disgusting, these Marxist Democrats wont stop until President Trump is in jail or worse. And they’re not backing down with their blatant lawless election interference and criminalizing their political opponents and turning America into a third world country like Cuba and Venezuela!

They are writing the Tyranny for Idiots playbook.


Except we all read it.




Biden and the dems are using the Department of Injustice to try to take out Biden and the dems chief opponent in the 2024 election.

Venezuela style.

Actually James Comer has trademarked that name. Think about all he has promised for tomorrow’s hearing.

The differences between Madura’s dictatorial style and the by-the-books investigations into the various allegations against the Donald are obvious to all but true believers.

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NO he didn’t, Bidens name wasn’t even mentioned so why would you think so, unless you believe Biden was in cahoots with Ukraine corruption.

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Are ya sure? Full Document: Trump’s Call With the Ukrainian President - The New York Times
Transcript: I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it… It sounds horrible to me.


Stop deflecting. And stop trying to defend the use of the DOJ as a political weapon. This type of action is a direct assault on our political system.


And many have come to a perverted conclusion because of their political partisanship.

Stop trying to defend the use of our DOJ as a political weapon . . . it is encouraging some nefariously evil beings to destroy our political system from within.


Were those FISA surveillance warrants obtained “by-the-book”?

Why do you persist in defending our federal DOJ being used as a political weapon against political oponants?