TRUMP’S PREDICTION: The President Says Dems ‘GOING TO LOSE’ in 2018 | Sean Hannity

President Trump didn’t hold back while commented on the liberal “blue wave” predicted for this November, warning Democrats to reach an immigration deal with their GOP colleagues ahead of the election because they “are going to lose.”

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President Trump sure doesn’t understand the concerns of NJ-07 (a swing district).

Healthcare number one issue Taxes number two.

Dems have edge on both issues.


The lefter the left gets the righter the voting nation gets. So far left that left doesn’t even work any more. We need some other word.

Really ever been to NJ-07.

The crazier Trump get the more blue it becomes.


Naw. I never been to NJ-07 nor -08 either. But I rode the Greyhound to New York one time.

I stepped off the bus, put my bag down and yelled up to the skyscrapers. HELLO NEW YORK! HELLO BIG TOWN! I HAVE ARRIVE!

I went to reach for my bag, looked down… and…someone had already stolen the blamed thing.

Learned the hard way, never let you valuables out of your sight in the big city.


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