Trump’s comments mark the first time the president has openly and directly praised a violent act against a journalist on American soil

You’ve just described the business model of the CEC complex, to which so many on the right subscribe.

that’s correct, if you feel pain, you get to walk away and change the errors in your life. If you are nagged for the rest of your life you will never become a better person. Ever wonder why people usually on stick their hand on a hot stove once.

Ok. So we’re clear on this now? You two are openly advocating for violence on people who annoy you? Interesting.

You are seriously broadening the definition of aggression to fit your argument l.

It’s called “teaching a lesson”

You see there are those out there who are equipped with superior faculties… let’s call them… I don’t know… just throwing this out there… Ubermench. So like Rodian Raskolnikov, they are equipped to commit violence because they know that it is for the greater good.

Even if that violence is in response to a mild annoyance or maybe even rise to the level of outright inconvenience, that lesson should be taught. In fact it is their moral imperative to do so.

They have convinced me. Have they convinced you?

Let us start the Triple R movement now!!!

Oh I’m not. This version is a little better. A good smack upside the head can be very enlightening.

Yep, very clear.

Do you know what “advocating” means? No, I’m not “advocating” violence. You handle your problems however you want. I’ll do the same.

It is indisputable that sticking things in people’s faces is an aggressive act. And rude.

Subjective and silly. You don’t get to decide for anybody but yourself.

Where is the guidebook that tells me how much of a reporter’s bull ■■■■ I’m supposed to put up with? Or that of some punk protester in the street?

“Violence is never the answer!” :rofl: What a crock.

Yes. I’m well aware of the definition of “advocate”.

You support violence against people who annoy you. I was simply making sure I was clear on that. And you’ve absolutely clarified that.

Do I? I don’t support you using it. You wouldn’t do it right.

Is violence never the answer?

I used to pretend to be The Rock and be a badass when I was 12 too.

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Ahh. gotcha. You support using violence yourself because you’re good at it…or something. But not me. Nope. Because I’m incapable. Arrogance suits you.

Very nature of shoving something in your face, in this case a microphone while demanding answers is aggressive act in itself.

Good boy

Smack upside the head… body slam… tomato… tomahto

Thanks. I’m very good at it. You probably wait until you’re angry and lose control. That’s a mistake.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

Do you agree with that statement?

The law typically takes a more dim view of the smack upside the head for some reason.

Vermont, Alabama?