Trump retweeted this theory?

There is a lot of denialism about QAnon. Followers seem to want the we hate child molesters up front and the dirty business of baby eating, JFK Junior living, crime committing, hanging of political foes kept in back. Like a really messed up version of a mullet.




Tweeting that and hoping Trump behavior gets better is really sheepish behavior.


Let’s all pretend things are fine and normal. That always works out well.

This is so messed up–and the cavalcade of incels and weirdoes insisting that Trump’s playing 7D chess is even worse.

You don’t have to be so harsh.


I haven’t been around much over the past year or three. Are there any open Q supporters, or Q-curious types here? I have to assume there are, but whether they discuss it on this forum–that’s a different thing.


The President of the United States is so…well…dumb…that he retweeted a satire article and thought that somehow Twitter could slow down and take out the internet???


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Actually it was filmed in a warehouse near Vegas.


Trump’s eleventy dimensional joking gotcha again, haters! He knew it was satire all along.

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I have to ask.

By chance, does he owe 400m due to falling for a email scam from a Nigerian prince?

I think at this point, we have to ask.

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Don’t know anything about this theory or who’s promoting it.

And I don’t care about the re-tweet.

But I have always said it made no sense they would just shoot him, and then just throw his body in the ocean.

So you’re still on the fence about whether or not Obama had Seal Team Six killed? Cool.

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Of course you don’t care.
Trump just retweeted a satire article claiming that twitter was slowing down the internet and said “First time in history, this must be stopped”. But of course you won’t care

But next time Biden has a long pause you can continue how that is a clear sign of deminita


I said nothing about it at all.

I’d prefer you delete that instead of assigning it to me.

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It’s the Trump approach. LOL.

Some say they know Qnon supporters and then go in how nice those people are… then spend alot of time defending the things qnon says and does…


“NigEEEria…NIGHgeria…Nuhgusta…is how they pronounce it. Beautiful company, by the way. What? Country, yes. They say it is a country.”


I know of 4 regular posters at the minimum

So Trump doesn’t say this…he retweets it…while you intend to vote for a racist candidate that calls minority children…“roaches”? Are you kidding me? Get your head on straight and stop being manipulated.