Trump restores health care option Obamma took away

apples to oranges

not reallyā€¦its about the safety and well being of your child. You want the best for them. Or do you not and you prefer to skimp out in order to save a buck?

Iā€™m not a hovering parent. Sheā€™s over 21 ā€“ Iā€™ll let her make her own decisions. If she feels thatā€™s the right decision for her, who am I ā€“ let alone you or the government question it?

And if she decided to buy a car without breaks, what would you say?

okā€¦you are the fatherā€¦thats who you areā€¦What weird parent style that you would be ok with that. i would advise my kids to not be stupidā€¦But then i want whats ebst and for them to not get ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  over.

Want to rephrase the question, and Iā€™ll give you a bizarre answer :smiley:

I can and do giver her my opinion many times on things that she does/has done that I donā€™t think is the brightest idea. Didnā€™t try and stop her from doing it ā€“ and on one occassion bought her something that I felt she needed, and when I asked her if I could buy it for her (didnā€™t buy it THEN ask her ā€“ see the difference) she thought it was a good idea as well.

oh yes i get it, and i get the fact you need to let them make their own choices, but there is a difference between letting them do that and buying something like this.


ACA require plans to have kids on parents health insurance until age 26.

Hopefully, by age 26 your daughter will have a job with employer health insurance.

Every university also offers health insurance plans for students as having insurance is required. Iā€™d be surprised if they even will accept these short term donā€™t cover anything plans as being covered.

I wouldnā€™t let my kid buy one of those crap policies. They are good for nothing. If my kid couldnā€™t afford to purchase proper health insurance, Iā€™d pay for it.

ā– ā– ā– ā–  happens to even those who are young and healthy.

Itā€™s been great for my kid to be on our insurance (heā€™ll be on it until August 2019 when he turns 26.) He takes the money saved and puts it in his 401k. Heā€™ll still be able to put money into that once heā€™s on his employerā€™s insurance as heā€™s making quite a bit more than when he first got out of college.

Iā€™m thrilled ACA required plans to cover kids until age 26.

Somehow I think youā€™d attempt to intervene if your daughter made a big mistake.

No not really.

yeah really.

Iā€™m sure if you bought her real insurance sheā€™d think itā€™s a good idea too.

Eh I was close. But next fall my insurance wonā€™t do a think for her.

She will graduate 4 year college (because of the subject sheā€™s majoring in, actually took 5 years due to some classes only offered every other year). She has a university offering her a full ride scholarship +living stipend for her graduates that will take another 4 years. She will be 27 1/2 when she graduates.

Iā€™m not in a position financially to do that. Good on you if you are.

Yes it does

Depends on if you think getting the health insurance she feels acceptable to what she needs is a ā€œbig mistake.ā€

No there isnā€™t. She is an adult now (even though aca doesnā€™t think so, nor liberals who push aca) and can make her own decisions.

Then she may have to purchase health insurance through her university. Again, Iā€™d be surprised if they will consider someone who has one of those short term, doesnā€™t cover anything plans to be adequate health insurance.

She hasnā€™t seen the full offer from the University. One time they tell her the insurance is covered with the scholarship, then the tell her itā€™s not.

I was using her buying a a short term plan as an example of how it could be useful.

(You can tell my daughter is adopted. Sheā€™s one smart cookie. Must take after her mom and real dad :smiley: )

Itā€™s not useful if it doesnā€™t cover ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

Itā€™s a terrible chance to take.

People say that of my car insurance.

I have liability only the very minimum the state requires.

Bad choice or good choice?