This will be quite a kick-off. Stream begins in the morning and Trump is scheduled in the afternoon
I am hoping it goes well. I really want Trump as the GOP Candidate. It will be fun to watch him lose again.
Should be fun. I would like to see his focus on peace and voting out the military industrial complex stooge Brandon.
He will have some choice words for discount Chris Christie too.
I enjoyed watching Hillary lose myself.

I am hoping it goes well. I really want Trump as the GOP Candidate. It will be fun to watch him lose again.

I am hoping it goes well. I really want Trump as the GOP Candidate. It will be fun to watch him lose again.
…anybody who’d conclude Biden was/is a better choice than Trump…without question…dumps the brain and leads with their feeeeelings.
Carry on…

I am hoping it goes well. I really want Trump as the GOP Candidate. It will be fun to watch him lose again.
Epic landslide!

I am hoping it goes well. I really want Trump as the GOP Candidate. It will be fun to watch him lose again.
Epic landslide!
Irony is ironic isn’t it?

I am hoping it goes well. I really want Trump as the GOP Candidate. It will be fun to watch him lose again.
Yes because the country is enamored with J’Biden?
You are happy with the One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier Show. Tells me how genius the 2020 election went.

Epic landslide!
Even musk says so now.
I’m ahead of the curve.
If there is anything left of in 2024. Let’s make America great again
Looks like the weather’s going to be great!
Trump’s campaign should be about moving America forward and fixing the cluster fox trot J’Biden and his inept lackeys have turned the country into.
All the 2020 election, J6, MAL and the hapless Bragg bull ■■■■ needs to be in the rear view mirror.
The country, southern border foreign policy, China, Russia, Iran, Ukraine, crime, education and on and on and on. Trump needs to sell his plans not harp on the past.
Gonna be interesting today. I’m guessing 50 percent on the possible prosecutions, 25 percent on DeSantis and 25 percent on Brandon. Wonder if the violent rhetoric will continue. We shall see!

Epic landslide!
Even musk says so now.
I’m ahead of the curve.
“Even musk”
Why is that important like to anyone ever?

If there is anything left of
in 2024. Let’s make America great again
So dramatic!!!
Cos musk is a bro now.
He’s rich but he also likes memes.
The Waco massacre was a horrible event in the history of the USA and the disgrace created by the Agencies. Which cult was worse?