Trump/Putin BroLoveFest 2018 to take place July 16th

It’s hard to think of a single US president who’s sucked up to Russia this hard since there was still a Tsar.

Yeah, we really need to treat the guy who meddled in our election like a king.

Take heart my dimocrat friends. I’m certain some high school dropout actors, or a smarmy comedian frontman for a team of vile, hate-filled writers will be here soon to tell you all what to think and say.

Putin is like his ultimate hero. Guy didn’t go after the Russian mobs and destroy them, he made them part of his government!

Love fest is right. Never thought I would ever witness an American president, figuratively, get down on their knees and kiss communist leaders asses the way Trump has done with Un, and will do with Putin.

Who knows, he might actually do it in real life, kiss Pootie’s booty.

He must be going to meet with Putin to learn how he can help facilitate Russian interference in the mid term election.

You don’t have any inside information into the investigation, you think Obama is gay and not born in United States.

Why should anyone listen to you?

And a Republican party filled with both enablers and cowards continues to be complicit in the ******* over of America. History will not remember them fondly.

As to the OP, it seems it’s already a given that Crimea belongs to Russia, according to Donny:

Think about this…

An American president is going to go play nice and meet with a Russian President after the Russians played us.

Isn’t that like opposite of what an American president is supposed to do?

I mean, we thought the Cold War was over. Turned out Russia regrouped and then won so fast we didn’t even realize it happened. We’ve now surrendered completely.

Reagan is spinning so hard in his grave he’s powering forty cities.

It’s pretty much diametrically opposed to Reagan, who wanted to be able to tell Gorbachev “Nyet” in negotiations. The GOP has pretty much reversed course.

I agree…Obama and Hillary were something else. Obama had proof of them interfering with our elections, yet he did nothing.

And Trump continues with the nothing, But there’s more! Trump denies Russia interfered because Putin told him so.

Trump is cool.

You’re right, Obama’s didn’t do nearly enough, and now we have an actual Russian asset sitting in. the White House and for some reason half of America doesn’t care.

Obama made that mistake.

I understand his reasoning… but hindsight is 20/20.

Sadly, because of that mistake we have a President who repeats Russian propaganda as a matter of official record.

Anyone with a functioning brain can see how ■■■■■■ up that is.


but, Trump Republicans are getting their revenge for decades of rulings and attitudes that they hated so it’s all good.

I have never been, and will never be a birther. stop telling that lie about me. hussein obama is an American citizen.

On the other hand, you are all in on the “colluder” conspiracy nonsense, and nothing you say can ever change that.

oh. i know why they don’t care. this place is a bit too PC to really get into the nuts and bolts though.

wow. what an amazing flip flop.

Another lie. I never said otherwise.