Trump - Pelosi - Schumer Brawl

The vast majority do not meet the criterion for “asylum”.


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone, far more than the cost of building a wall! LINK

The GOP does not control 60 votes in the Senate, which is needed to pass this type of legislation.

Stop making stuff up!


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

Having full majorities in the house and the executive has never been a prerequisite to setting policy, well unless you are a garbage politician like Trump who only cares about campaign slogans.

Stop making stuff up!


I thought walls were an absolute barrier to entry… thanks for showing they are not,

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It is now since we have a Fifth Column Democrat Leadership engaging in obstruction at every turn and Yellow Journalists backing them up.


Without a Fifth Column Media, Yellow Journalism, Hollywood, and a corrupted FBI, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, would be making license tags in a federal penitentiary

Fifth Column!

Everybody drink.

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Fifth column yellow journalists, oh my!

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Your dismissiveness does not alter the truth.


Without a Fifth Column Media, Yellow Journalism, Hollywood, and a corrupted FBI, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, would be making license tags in a federal penitentiary

I had a fifth column bean burrito this afternoon.


Wow, you sure are wasting a lot of words in order to not address a single thing I am saying.

It would be a lot easier to admit Trump needs 60 votes in the Senate and we haven’t got them therefore whatever passes the House easily will not even see the light of day in the Senate.

Truth can be blinding some times can;t it?

Controlling every branch of government and still failing.

Must be the fifth column’s fault.

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60 must be too high a number for liberals to count to. It seems to stump them.

I may have to re-think the math word problem. May too much to difficult in the end.

The desire to shift responsibility for failure must be enormous after one party controls every single branch of federal government and still can’t do what they promise to do.

Apparently, elections have consequences, unless they don’t.

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Yep, math word problem definitely out of the running.

I’m pretty sure libs will learn to count to 60 when/if they ever find themselves in the current position of Republicans in the furture.

The hypocrisy will be treeee-mendous and glorious. Hallelujah!!!

Promises made.

Gifted by voters with every single branch of government .

Unable to keep promises.

Next time, Trump should say, “I’m making this promise, and I’m going to keep it, but only if we control every branch of government plus 60 votes in the Senate–and then maybe I’ll keep that promise . . . but probably not. In either case, I’ll have morons to defend me, so what does it matter? Big Mac me. This face needs a Big Mac."


All in all another crick in the wall.

I wonder if Ocasio-Cortez can count to 60?

She is the future of the democrats I hear. Maybe she could explain it to y’all.

Truth and facts are such a terrible thing to have to face up to. Rules of the Senate are just so difficult to understand some times. 60 is such a big number. Double digits and everything. Tsk, tsk.

Every single branch of government.

Still: failure and excuse making.

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Still unable to accept Senate rules and continuing to perpetuate the lie that the Senate could pass a bill when there isn’t one jackwaon dem who would vote with the Republicans to get the required 60.

Following Senate rules is not excuse making.

Refusing to admit that the rule exists…now that’s delusional.