Trump peddles lie about Ilhan Omar dancing/celebrating on 9/11 anniversary

I am sure the President takes the same care in vetting the legitimacy of such tweets as he does the intelligence on the attacks on Saudi Arabia.

A lie. You mean an outright lie but your boyfriend retweeted so it’s all good.


it wasn’t a tweet, it was a retweet, so it’s okay.

Someone is going to die over this kind of rhetoric. And the last two times I said this, people died.

Hold up, Cersei omar did what now??

“Some people did something” and filmed a video of Omar dancing.

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Certain posters make it a point to lambaste “comedians” and how they are stupid but that Democrats get their news and information from them.

Along comes a “comedian” who does something is real poor taste, and here the biggest idiot in this country, President Dotard Trump, retweets it.

I guess that is okay though. Jokes, right?

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Trump supporters don’t care if he lies to them. They don’t care if his lies could get people killed. All they care about is owning the libs. It’s truly … truly reprehensible and pathetic.

I feel like this all stems from the fact that society has forgotten what parody actually means.

Who cares.
As long as you can keep your doctor and keep your plan

Relevant posts from 2010 are calling.

Russia collusion hoax coup.

Dance? Did somebody say dance?


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I love how hot she is triggering Trumpists.

A young woman dancing disgusts them.

An old orange man lying to them a dozen times a day really gets their blood flowing though.

I mean, there really isn’t anything like an elderly buffoon with weird hair and a hilarious tan to get a red-blooded American man’s juices flowing. But Alexadria Ocasio-Cortez is still pretty attractive the way she sets the Orange Man fetishists off.

More lies from trump and more excuses from his supporters…


Let Cersei dance.

Why would you give this sick women who married her brother the time of day?

I feel sorry for people who don’t dance. Keep living that bland sterile life!