Trump once again calls the media the “Enemy of the people”

I answered.

You didn’t answer the question. Yes or no will suffice. Thanks.

Well there was the one about trump stating the NYSE opened the next day after 9/11. I guess in trumps universe 9/17 counts as the next day.

But most people would consider 9/12 as the next day.

Fake news. Lol


Dude… if you can read, you can see my answer. I asked you a question at the end of that answer. You did not answer it.

Insignificant in the context

The next day means exactly that.

No context needed
Trump out and out lied.

And you consider it fake news.



Not at all. It demonstrates that Donald has no problem with fake news, so long as it is nice to him. Anything else is “the enemy of the people.”


Truth isn’t truth-trumps mouthpiece.


His point was valid and was not hinging on 1 day or a week. “Don’t let the terrorists stop our lives.”.

Dude… what difference does it make now?

“Trump once again right”

Fixed the post for you.

Mane sure you use this example in a campaign ad. Oh… the inauguration attendance too. Both “lies” (according to you) have really hurt America.

What about right-wing idealogues who hijacked the free press and use it to spread malicious and hateful lies? Are they to be counted among America’s true enemies?

If you dare to be rightfully critical of this man for his abhorrent words and behavior, both he and his friends in right wing media will mercilessly attack you until one of the mouth breathers poisoned by their rhetoric tries to silence you permanently. They will then toss up their hands, feign shock and outrage at the state of affairs in this country, and “both sides” the argument into the ground.

**** all of them. Vote them out. Call on advertisers to shun their programs and websites. Shame them in public. Disrupt every meal at every fancy restaurant. Demand some accountability from these people for the climate they have helped to create.


CNN was not targeted. The bomb was sent to a guy.

The shooting in the synagogue had nothing to do with the press.

Where was the bomb sent Sneaky?

Hear! Hear! Lovin’ it!

Who was the target Excast?

Remember when the right assured us Obama had blood on his hand for his rhetoric and police officer shootings?

Yet now Trump calling the press the enemy of the people has absolutely nothing to with CNN being the target of a terrorist bomb plot.

CNN wasn’t the target.

Both CNN and John Brennan.