TRUMP OFF SCRIPT: The President’s Joke to MACRON Left the Press Pool in Stitches

Originally published at: TRUMP OFF SCRIPT: The President’s Joke to MACRON Left the Press Pool in Stitches | Sean Hannity

President Trump left the international press pool in stitches Wednesday, joking alongside French President Emmanuel Macron as the two leaders met at the NATO summit in Brussels to discuss common defense.

Trump and Macron were speaking with reporters following a high-level meeting regarding defense spending when the French President praised the Commander-in-Chief in his native language, prompting Trump to say, “I have no idea what you said, but it sounded beautiful.”

The two leaders have had a rocky relationship in recent months, with the French President blasting Trump’s decision to withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear agreement and his calls for the removal of EU trade tariffs.

Watch the friendly exchange above.

Again with the Commander-in-Chief thing. What’s up with that? Was Trump acting as head of the military in this interaction?