Trump mocking retired senator who’s dying of cancer

Have you ever watched Sean’s show? He frequently gives a run down of the president’s accomplishments. Liberal media is not going to do this. I get my news from many sources. Including liberal media.

Thanks. If you had any idea how hard that was for me. I’m scarred for life. :tired_face:

I don’t think he agreed. He said ‘point taken’. Gives the appearance of agreement without the commitment.

Good deflection. Too bad that’s not even close to the “POINT” of Trump’s name calling.

Thanks! I love compliments! :love_you_gesture:

“Improved” is not the same as “eliminated it”.

I’m not sure I would agree he has improved though. (Or maybe going from 11 a day to 10 a day is improvement, I guess…)

…he said as he slipped into the darkness that would be his escape from yet another compliment.

I never bought into the BMI averages.

I’m 6’6" and weigh 260, and most people would call me skinny visually. Yet clinically I’m obese.

I wouldn’t expect anyone to pretend that Trump’s weight is muscle though.

Meh. The guy is in his 70s.

If you go by height and weight. Your average NFL running back is considered to be Obese.

Ted Cruz. Rapey face among others.

None, and I’ll buy any poster a pizza of their choosing if they find ANY evidence of it.

Thin crust mushroom and pepperoni.

fat Donald posters.

Every lib on here. They’re included.

Okay. You say libs, I say con on con is the inference. I’m not going to argue about what he meant. Not qualified.

Isn’t he the one that lied about Romney and then didn’t care because he lost? ■■■■ him.

Yep, so?

So because he’s dying we’re supposed to feel sorry for him?

I said a big ■■■■ you to Ted Kennedy when he died too, the remorseless ■■■■■■■■

And somehow you think this reflects positively on your character.

How so? He killed a woman, got away with it, was almost president, and had no regrets or remorse. Why should I feel anything but disgust for him?

I’m not a Ted Kennedy guy, but he got into a wreck that killed a woman. He ■■■■■■ up, no way around it. But all of us have sinned and all of us are going to die. I’m sure that you’ve sinned, as have I. If it makes you feel good about yourself to judge him in death, I doubt you’d have a problem if I, or anyone else, rejoiced in your death.

I’ve never committed vehicular homicide. But if you want to judge me for committing vehicular homicide, you’re free to do so.